Will my Dwarf hairgrass spread/grow?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 16, 2016

So Im using a sand substrate with no fertalizer or root tabs but I do have carbon in the water and great lighting.

The stuff surrounding the grass is either alge eater waste or parts of the driftwood. I havent cleaned them because I hoped It would fertalize the grass.

Im trying to make a carpeted tank with this grass, but I need some help. Should I fix up something or completely change the plant I use to carpet?

Thanks :)
Trim the grass abit every 10 days or so. This will make it spread sideways. Also I'd dose some ferts even if it's flourish. Will speed the process up ;)
Trim the grass abit every 10 days or so. This will make it spread sideways. Also I'd dose some ferts even if it's flourish. Will speed the process up ;)
Thanks ? How short should I trim em?
What size tank/ how deep is it, and what kind of light do you have? Just from the looks of it, I have my doubts about it being strong enough to grow a good carpet :/
Also, what kind of plant is that to the left? Looks possibly like something that is not aquatic.
I agree on the plant on the left. Looks like mondo grass. I really dislike when shops sell bog/terrestrial plants as aquatic plants.
Also I'm concerned about your heater? Is it laying on the gravel? If so the glass will get to hot and crack. It can't touch anything or it will get hot spots :)
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