Will my puffer be fine a week without food?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 19, 2018
I will be gone for two weeks but my dad will be here the first week. Will my puffer be ok? I told my dad to feed him some shrimp everyday>
Not sure how it will do without food for that long. You could try live California blackworms if frozen foods are not acceptable.
Well lets just guess what type of puffer it is??? Hmm snails should work in any case. Yah.. add a bunch of snails..
No, dried shrimp, I'm leaving in a few hours so i can't get snails. He's a ceylon
If you can't get snails and can't get auto feeder so you don't have any option left and hope your fish will survive. For next time keep this food with you and better to feed this food instead of live snails.


hikari clam on a half shell
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