Will Oscar fins grow back?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 3, 2004
Cartersville Georgia
Hello guys, I just received my shipment of baby Oscars from Heavenlyfish, 1 of the 4 has no top fin left and another has about a 1/3 or 1/2 of his top fin :cry: :( :x I'm gonna cal them and ask what happened but was wondering if these fins will grow back? their only babies, about 2" or 2 1/2" long. this really bothers me.
thanks XX, that makes me feel a little better other then the fact that they will be ugly for how ever long this takes to grow back :( I did talk to Bill from Heavenlyfish and he told me that they must have struggled during their trip( which I don't believe) the fins looked ripped off at the back but he did say to keep him informed on how they do and If those 2 don't make it he will replace them which I thought was good of him so we'll see I guess.
A little Melafix might be in order for the fins - I'm a big fan of this stuff for fin rot, fin tears and minor wounds.
They should grow back. I have a long fin that occassionaly get torn up and they grow back slowly. As for where you got your fish from, I have heard nothing but horror stories from other people that have gotten fish from there. I would personally boycott that place but thats just me.
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