Will the Tank recycle when I move form a 60g to a 175g

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 2, 2004
Dallas, TX
I am moving my reef from a 60 gallon to a 175 bowfront. Will it have to recycle if I just move everything over? There is going to be about 250 to 300 of fully cured (2 years) live rock. I am going to change nearly all of the water out of the 175 but use as much of the water form my 60. AAny thoughts or ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Did you move over the same sandbed and how deep was it and how old was it?

Just wondering :)
I went from cc to a sand bed when I changed. The tank was about 4 months old and very lightly stocked. I had 25 lbs of live rock at the time of the switch and have since added 25 lbs more.
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