Will this HOB filter combo work on my 35 gallon tank?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 2, 2014
Hi fish people :wave:

I will be setting up my 35 gallon fish tank again soon. It will be lightly planted (beginner/low light plants with double T8 lighting).

Tank size: 36" x 14" x 16" (LxWxH)

Currently i have a AquaClear 30 HOB filter.

Will adding a AquaClear 50 be adequate or should i buy the AquaClear 70 instead? I will be running 2 HOBS on this tank.

The stock will mostly consist of around 10-12 white cloud mountain minnows (maybe more). It will be a cold water tank.

Thanks for any help :)
The 30+50 will be fine, but if you're willing to spend the money the 70 will be great. The 70 holds more media than both the 30 and 50 combined - it's a big filter.
White Cloud Mountain Minnows like lots of current, so two filters (at opposite ends of the tank) would actually work pretty well.

Agreed that the combined GPH between the AQ 50 and 30 will be enough. I run a single AQ 50 on my 29 gallon and it works fine if you clean it monthly.
Cheers for the replies people.

Yes if i can find a good deal on the 70 then i'll go with that .. if not the AquaClear 50 will suffice. I really like these filters so the more the better i guess :)
Your Tank

Hello Monty...

If you remove and replace half the tank water every week, to remove the dissolved wastes, then an AC 50 is plenty of filter.

I use an AC 70 on a 60 gallon tank and change out a lot of tank water every week. The fish are nice and healthy because they get a lot of pure, treated tap water. The filter just aerates the tank water for the most part. The water change is the real filtration.

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