Will Urchins hurt my tank or help????

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 14, 2004
I have a 75gal FOWLR. I'm putting together a cleaner package (snails, crabs) from saltwaterfish.com and I'm trying to bring the price upto 79.00 for the overnight shipping. Now I would like to grab a fish or 2 but, I nerver bought anything live over the net. How are they for live goods. Also would a urchin cause any problems in my tank? How are they with a snowflake, picasso trigger, and niger?

thanks for any info
I never had one, which one are you looking at getting. None that I have read about will bother a SFE and the Eel should not bother them either. The triggers depending on which one you get may try and flip it to eat it. If you get one with ling spines I don't think they would bother it.
My friend had some and they ate the coraline algae off of his LR, so if your looking to have coraline you may not want one. I'm not saying they all eat it, I think he had the long spine
I don't see any problems with an urchin. I have 4 in my system x18 months and my coraline is fine. They are pretty cool little creatures.
I also got an urchin with my cleaner package from saltwaterfish.com. It basically has found a comfy spot between some rocks and hasn't moved in the two weeks I've had it. I try to feed it some nori but my fish are too smart and figure out I've stuck it near the urchin!

I got the "pencil" urchin, btw.
Not to offend, but you are going to put your cleaner package in with those monster's? Aren't you worried that most of them will get snacked? Urchins are cool just watch out, if they start losing their spines, pull it. They can take out your tank if they rot.
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