Woot woot! OSCAR FOOD! ....or.... How my convict had babies

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Oct 7, 2003
Atlanta, GA
Wife just called me, the convicts got fry :) Suckers must have hid the eggs from me, I've been watching them for weeks. They had dug down to the glass, and I guess they laid them on the glass them pushed gravel back over them. I noticed yesterday they had completely covered the glass, and my wife says she sees like 50-100 fry. She thinks they're eating them.. which they might, but if I know cichlids they'll be around when I get home and I can setup the growout tank. OSCAR FOOD!

If I can manage to get a clear pic, I'll post.

The adults are PROBABLY not eating the fry. Many cichlid parents will take the fry into their mouths and spit them back out again. Possibly they're giving the little monsters a bath!
Yeah I know, that's why I'm not too worried. I'm almost 100% certain she saw that. Hehe, probably freaking her out, knowing her she's staring at the tank in amazement still :p :p :p :p
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