Worst fish purchase you've ever made

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When I was in middle school I got a large goldfish and put him in a bowl that was way too small. He didn't live long. The guy at Walmart tried to tell me and my mom not to buy it because it was too big for a bowl but mom and I both thought we knew best. Sad times.

2 gallon wall bowl - no filtration system or heater

1 medium sized angelfish :eek:
1 common pleco
1 silver molly

:hide: :fish2: :hide:
Mine was a JD in a 1/2 gallon bowl. No nothing just add water and feed. He lasted over a year and then one water change, he decided to swim down the drain. I was 10
Don't hate me I was young and dumb...4 balas, a pleco, two Chinese algae eaters....in a 55 gallon...with an RES....and all levels off the chart. Everything died, pleco lasted the longest until my RES tore it apart. Kills me till this day. But I have to say after that I finally realized that water quality is more than just clear water.
My very first fish tank, 20gallon tall. With about 25 Tiger Barbs... Mind you I had the tank set up and running for approximately 5 minutes before fish were added. :( I WAS SIX DON'T KILL ME Lesson learned, that's for sure! I now have 13 in a 90Gallon.
3 adult mollies, 10 neon tetras, a male nad a female guppy (lots of babies), 2 platies, an apple snail, and that algae eater that starts with an o that I cnay spell in a 10 gallon tank:)
I bought a tank on craigslist that contained a bala shark, two gold fish, a white skirt tetra, a 14" pleco. And a huge catfish idk the name of. I gave the pleco and gold fish to a family friend with a pond, gave the catfish up for adoption, and kept the bala which I am looking for a good home for him now. And still have the tetra. I turn the tank into a cichild, the bala shark is never messed with, and what about the tetra? I'll tell you, HE MADE THE CICHILDS LOOK LIKE PANSIES. Now I have a community tank that hes in and he gets along with everyone fine. I even bought him a buddy.
First 10 gallon tank at age 11 , went to the fish store and bought two baby oscars . The lfs worker told me they would look great in my 10 gallon tank ! He failed to mention they would outgrow the tank in a week ... Had to give them to a friend with a larger tank .
I think this tank was roughly a 20g (just guessing), it was the size of a 10g but really tall id if that says anything. I had serape tetras (maybe about 5?), a few platies, a common pleco and a catfish (a type of syno I think). And I wondered why I had fish dying every week... This was about 4-5 years ago when I knew absolutely nothing about cycling or aquariums at all. :hides:
My first tank was a ten gallon I found in an attic. I was probably twelve at the time.

My stock: 2 black mollies, one blue ram, a few Congo tetras(used to be cheap), 2 angels, a sailfin mollie, a pictus cat and a crayfish. All the pictus and crayfish did was fight.

Recently: a school of tiger barbs, all they did was kill each other. Gave the survivors away to a pet store.
I bought a tank on craigslist that contained a bala shark, two gold fish, a white skirt tetra, a 14" pleco. And a huge catfish idk the name of. I gave the pleco and gold fish to a family friend with a pond, gave the catfish up for adoption, and kept the bala which I am looking for a good home for him now. And still have the tetra. I turn the tank into a cichild, the bala shark is never messed with, and what about the tetra? I'll tell you, HE MADE THE CICHILDS LOOK LIKE PANSIES. Now I have a community tank that hes in and he gets along with everyone fine. I even bought him a buddy.

Sounds like everything worked out! What makes this "the worst purchase?" Unless it was an obscene amount of money.
an "algae eater" at a chain pet store that turned out to be a Chinese Algae Eater. Within a few months it was terrorizing everything in the tank, graziing on their slime coats, and chasing them nonstop. Near tripled in size.
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Before i got on.this forum i had 9 bristle nose about 20 apple snails 4 sailfin mollys 10 neon tetras 5 black skirts and 6 kuhli loaches in a 20gal
Sounds like everything worked out! What makes this "the worst purchase?" Unless it was an obscene amount of money.

The guy said he had some tropical fish in his tank. Also when I went over there to check it out. It was so filthy it was nasty. He said he had owned it for a year and a half. I asked him jow often he cleaned it. He said he never had because the pleco kept it clean. He never did a water change, and get this...
He thought his bubble wand was his filter. He didn't have a filter for a year and a half. After 12hrs of cleaning I finally got this.

Then a month ago I changed it again.


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