Would you buy this "Moving" moonlight?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 25, 2010
Hey guys, I'm designing a moonlight for my personal tank, and I want to judge the possibility of selling some. Here's what it can do.

It's called a "Moving Moonlight".

  • What it does it the light "moves" across the top of your tank from one side to the other, like the moon moves across the sky.
  • It can be any color you want (as long as LEDs come in that color), you'd just have to tell me when you order it.
  • There is a "dimming" dial that lets you change the overall brightness of the LEDs, as to adjust it to the perfect brightness for your tank.
  • I can build them to support up to 20 high power LEDs, and more if you use less powerful LEDs (which is advisable, since this is a moonlight and it's not supposed to be bright). (Honestly I could build them to support as many as I wanted, but with the power source I'm using, this is the limit, however a different power source could be used if someone REALLY wanted to use more than that many LEDs)
  • It is expandable. You could buy one that supports 12 LEDs, and only use 3 of them, then if you bought a bigger tank, you could add a couple more LEDs, and it'd still work fine.
  • The moonlight could be programmed to come on as soon as you turn off your daytime lights, and turn off as soon as you turn them on. That could also be adjustable, meaning it could turn on an hour after you turn off the lights.. etc.
  • You could change the LEDs. If you got sick of the color you bought originally, you could buy a separate set of a different color and simply plug them in the back, and it'd work fine. You could also mix colors of LEDs this way. (Although this might look a bit odd.)
  • You can mount the LEDs where ever you want. I'd suggest near your daytime lights. Basically each LED is separate from the others. You could mount them close together, or far apart, it's your choice. (But you DO have to mount them, and I won't provide materials to do so, although duck tape or little screws would work just fine.)
  • Heck now that I think about it, you could use this as a daytime light if you really wanted to. It wouldn't provide a ton of light, but for a non planted tank it'd be fine.

Now the important part, PRICE! I just priced the original prototype that I'm thinking of building. It's a 12 LED one, and it would cost me roughly $35 dollars to buy and ship the parts it to me. So I'd probably sell it for $40 + shipping. However, the less LEDs I build it for, the cheaper it will be. For example, one built for only 3 LEDs would only cost you roughly $25. The most expensive part of this whole thing is the power source, which is $9 for me. Of course, if I got a bunch of orders for these, the less I'd have to pay for shipping, the cheaper they would be for you.

Also, the price depends on the LEDs used. Red LEDs are really cheap. Blue and violet are (relatively) more expensive (We're talking cents per LED here). That would factor into the price as well. (Not by much though) A set of 12 blue leds would run roughly $6 + shipping. (Shipping for 12 LEDs would be really cheap...) Honestly, you could even use your own LEDs if you wanted, provided you know how to solder.

Let me know what you think of the idea. If you think the price is too high, tell me what you WOULD pay for a moonlight with these features. If I do end up making a bunch of these, I might just have to hold a contest and give away a few... Remember, price is directly related to the amount of orders I get. The more people order, the cheaper they get. If enough get ordered, $5 or more could be dropped from each price.

EDIT: Mods I don't really know the rules about selling stuff on the forums and what not. If I'm breaking any, please let me know. I'm not selling anything yet, since this is an idea thread.
I think it sounds pretty sweet! it would be nice to see some pics of the prototype once you build it. So the light just slowly moves across the tank? Is the light fixed in one spot and just slightly rotates? Or does it actually glide across the top moving the whole fixture from one side to the other? Also, what about the length of the tank, how does that work with the light?
The LEDs themselves don't "move". They dim and brighten with a specifically defined timing to make it appear like the light is moving. Check out the prototype I built to test the programming. Note, the light would "move" much slower when used on a tank, since it would be spread over a 8-12 hour period.

YouTube - LED Dimmer with ATMega8 (Version 2)
Note: The dimming would appear much more defined on the actual version. This prototype was simply to test the programming. In the vid it seems like the LEDs get bright really quick, then stay bright. This is because of the way LEDs behave. Their "brightness" isn't linear. Meaning they get bright really fast, then as it reaches it's peak brightness, it'll get bright slower and slower. However, this has been fixed in more recent versions of the programming.

oh and one more question haha where are you shipping from?

I'd be shipping from western PA.

And of course I'd take pics and vids if and when I build a prototype.
I'm looking for a "moving" but more important is the brightness to automatically change with every power cycle and really moving isn't that necessary for me I would like one that has 7-14 light stages (could just be 14 LEDs grouped together) but every time the turn on one more comes on till all 14 are on then everyone goes off till they are all off. To simulate the moon monthly cycle... I don't think it would be that hard I just don't have the time to make it myself... just a bunch of switches that one new one turns on every time the power comes on and then after all are on one turns off till they are all off... it shouldn't be too complicated but may require a programmable chip if you can make one let me know I would be interested in that.
I'm looking for a "moving" but more important is the brightness to automatically change with every power cycle and really moving isn't that necessary for me I would like one that has 7-14 light stages (could just be 14 LEDs grouped together) but every time the turn on one more comes on till all 14 are on then everyone goes off till they are all off. To simulate the moon monthly cycle... I don't think it would be that hard I just don't have the time to make it myself... just a bunch of switches that one new one turns on every time the power comes on and then after all are on one turns off till they are all off... it shouldn't be too complicated but may require a programmable chip if you can make one let me know I would be interested in that.

A simple change in programming could achieve this. It could be easily done. So in this case, the "light" would be brighter and brighter (by turning on more and more LEDs) until midnight, then get dimmer and dimmer until morning. It's a cool idea.
even with what you have now if it was 12 hours between each light coming on and none started to dim till they were all on plus 12 hours for each to dim...(would require that the circuitry had a memory so when the power was shut off it wouldn't reset) or just ignore this cause I'm sure I don't know what I'm talking about... my previous post is what I'm looking for.
I was thinking more like the cycle of the moon 28 days long 1 LED on for 12 hours then all LEDs off the 2 LEDs on for 12 hours.... till 14 (Full Moon).... then back down to 0 for "New Moon"
I know it's a little more complex like that. I think, either you need lots of circuitry with no interruption of power or a chip that has non volatile switches.
I know a bit about circuitry but not enough to really know what I'm talking about...(I'm a problem solver, you don't have to know how to do something to teach or guide it, you just need a general understanding of the subject)
I was thinking more like the cycle of the moon 28 days long 1 LED on for 12 hours then all LEDs off the 2 LEDs on for 12 hours.... till 14 (Full Moon).... then back down to 0 for "New Moon"

Yes this would be possible, it'd probably be a few dollars more though as I'd have to include a clock source with a battery backup.
I have no clue what y'all are talking about as far as circuts and crazy stuff, but I would totally be interested in the concept of moving moonlight, with a dimmer (cause some they sell are waayyy too bright) and a plug in powersource. I would hope it can be contained in a package that doesn't have wires and plugs strewn about the top of my tank, but to awnser the post...yes I would certainly be interested and would purchase assuming I could have full video and picture of the finished product. I will pm you when the time comes for me to purchase a moonlight system.
I am game too. I think this is a fantastic idea and if you go through with it I would love to see pics or vid of prototype and would be more than willing to pay 40+$ for something like this.

as for sales.
I have a gut feeling many of the people here are on the safe side but I would use something like Ebay still or the like to actually 'sell' them to consumers. Simply because you at least have a respectable source and ease of tracking orders,etc..
I wouldn't want a great idea like this to flounder simply because you didnt get paid for your work, or worse you get paid and then the end consumer says they didnt get it, or it was broke when it got here, yada yada yada...
moon lights

so this really nice,what would you suggest that i would need for a 75 gal fowlr? I would like to use blue and white leds.Could i set them directly on my glass top next to my tank light? What would be the total price including s/h, i live in buffalo,ny.
My opinion as a fish keeper: This is really cool, and if I had the money and it could be easily integrated with my current set up then I would probably do it. I think another cool idea would be to build this in with a normal lighting set up and make it so the main lights would transition into this rather than just going off and these going on. That could help to simulate the sun going down and moon rising, and I think that'd be really cool.

My opinion as a senior business major at the Wisconsin School of Business: You are really going to be cutting yourself short selling for only $5 above cost. In fact, I would argue that you are probably selling below cost at that. Don't forget time should be factored into what your costs are. So, unless you can put these together and move them very quick you aren't going to make a bunch of money. I'm guessing that you are just starting out with this kind of stuff and probably do not have all sorts of sophisticated equipment to get things like this done really quick, so you probably aren't getting major savings on time. Also, this is something geared towards the fish keeping hobby, so you probably would never be able to drive the sort of volume that certain products do.

Your exact price should depend on a number of things. Cost of materials, cost of labor (that is your time), and market considerations. Look at some of the stuff that sells out there in this hobby. Those little plastic overflow boxes, they prolly cost only a couple bucks to make, yet they sell for over $100. I'm not saying you should jack up prices like that, but I think this is a good idea and could sell for much more than $40. Besides, I think it would probably be easier to start with a high price and lower from there than to start low and try to raise it later to make more money.
Shhhhhhh wait till I get mine to tell him that... but ya I think time should be factored in and probably a slight margin for your base price for cost as prices do fluctuate.
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