XBox 360

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I won't be getting one, sorry but I had an xbox with the mod chip (I could play any copied game) I just didn't like it. It was bulky, the controllers were nasty.
i personally prefer the old NES... i miss that thing... too many buttons on all the new stations but i guess thats what technology is all about..
ANYWAY... My hubby has an Xbox and wants a 360 for christmas or whenever it comes out... I had always played Nintendo or Playstation but he is totally into his Xbox soooo xbox it is.
My thing is all the games i like... or used to like, were playstation games, and now they are starting to make the games so they can be played on all systems (Pretty awesome) but i miss playing crash, frogger, jet moto...
the one thing i have found that i love on Xbox though.. Halo 2.. i never played Halo... but Halo 2 got me addicted to the game... i never even played the actual game.. just the multiplayer stuff. good times.
Personally I'll go for the 360 because of XBox live. I loved the PS and PS2 and didn't really see a major difference until XBox live came out between the consoles. Playstation is going to have to launch something like that I believe in order for the PS3 to compete.
Playstation does have online gaming. And last I checked, it was free. How much do you have to pay for xbox live? I've heard toooooooo many complaints about xbox live (especially with halo2 rankings) to even want to considering paying for such a "service". I don't know if the new playstation's online service will have a price tag or not.

I wount be getting a ps3 just because I can't get halo3 for it.
FPS are best on a PC. They are simply easier to play using a mouse/keyboard combination. If I could get that on a console, I might consider it. At this point there are certain genres that the PC owns, specifically first person shooters and real time strategy.

I won't be rushing out to buy any system. I usually give it a year to see where the system is headed. It's usually lower in price and has a decent game selection at that point.
Playstation does have online gaming and it is a pain in the rear. I've done it and it's extremely frustrating with all the cheating and disconnects. I'll pay $5 a month so that when I do want to play a sports game I'm not going to get someone who quits at half because they're losing because I can check disconnect rate and a whole host of other stats on them. It helps alot. And quite frankly $5 a month is a huge bargain for the job that Bungie did cleaning up the cheating on Halo 2. Also, the only people complaining about the Halo 2 rankings are those that cheated their way to a high level, got found out, and are now mad that Bungie banned and/or deleveled them. Other than that, the Rankings got reset once to put in new gametypes and clean up cheating, and pretty much everyone has a higher level after the update than before, I see no reason to complain.
If PS3 has a new service I guarantee it will cost money, and I would buy it. I would welcome the PS3 adding it.
If FPS were so much better on PC I think that the sales would indicate that. Alot more people have a PC than a PS2 or XBox. Yet the numbers say that console games sell at an exponentially higher rate than PC games. If you love PC gaming, good for you, it is a good, and different experience. However numbers aren't on your side. The PC hasn't owned FPS since Goldeneye came out. And it won't own them anymore now that xbox live has come out. Even Playstation fanboys admit that Microsoft owns the FPS genre.
Online gaming for the playstation - never - gave me any trouble.
I am a definite Ps3 girl, And thats where my money will be going.
Sides, FF Games and square own my soul :/
I think it really depends on what games you intend on playing aswell. While the xbox has had great games, they havent really had alot of great RPGS.
For RPG players like myself, ps3 will be worth it.
Rach, did you ever play The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind? I spent many, many hours in front of the TV that summer. :lol: Anyway, it was a really great RPG for Xbox. But we did end up selling the Xbox in favor of the PS2. There were just way more games that appealed to us on the PS2, like the Grand Theft Auto games.

Back on topic, I won't be buying either the 360 or the PS3 until there are significant price drops. :(
Yet the numbers say that console games sell at an exponentially higher rate than PC games. If you love PC gaming, good for you, it is a good, and different experience. However numbers aren't on your side. The PC hasn't owned FPS since Goldeneye came out. And it won't own them anymore now that xbox live has come out. Even Playstation fanboys admit that Microsoft owns the FPS genre.
Your logic is a bit flawed if not entirely incorrect. First off, not everybody who owns a PC plays video games so they are not adding to your "sales = popularity" equation. A lot of people use a PC for internet access or work related reasons only. And the there is the fact that game consoles are pretty much as user friendly as can possibly be; you put the game in and it works. There are no issues with incompatability or viruses or weatherbug running in the background messing everything up. PC's require intelligence to successfully operate as there are many possible configurations. Since most people don't really know as much about PC's as they think they do (kinda like most people don't know squat about their car and how it works), they buy consoles to play their games on.

Since the only software available for purchase on the consoles are games, it would make sense that they would sell more games then anyone else. Here is the latest tracking info from the NPD Group. Looks like the first xbox title on the list is at 4th place just behind Mario Superstar Baseball...

September 2005 numbers

But I wasn't talking about numbers to begin with. I was talking about ease of play. It may take a little more coordination to play with a keyboard and mouse, but once you are used to it, you can do things that are pretty much impossible with a controller. It would be interesting to watch a group of PC's play a FPS game against a bunch of consoles.

And Microsoft certainly does NOT own the FPS genre. I would say that title would go to either Valve (Half Life) or Id (Quake & Doom).
Rach101 wrote:

The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind

One of the few great rpgs for xbox
This and the expansion/special edition is even better on a PC...

Yeah, tons.
The Knights of the Old Republic was a great RPG for XBox.

What are you going to use to measure popularity if you don't use sales? Just some arbitrary value of how you believe that playing on a PC is better than a console. That's not a good measure. The most popular PC game of the year isn't going to come anywhere close to selling as many units as the console games do. That's just how it is. The XBox has the best FPS on it's console from this last geneneration with the exception of Metal Gear Solid. Valve and ID are developers, I'm talking about consoles. Bungie's Halo games, The Tom Clancy Games, Unreal, Doom 3, the list goes on of popular FPS on XBox and it has alot to do with XBox Live's popularity.

Most people in this country prefer consoles to PC's because A)It's easy and B) It's alot cheaper--an XBOX 360 is $400 and a top of the line PC can be over $3000. It's fine that you love PC gaming but quite hating on everyone who doesn't.

If you hooked up a PC version of a game versus a console game the mouse would allow the PC player to own the console player because of the difference in the finiteness and accuracy of the hardware. You know what, that doesn't matter to most people, it doesn't to me and I played all the FPS classics growing up on the PC.

Look Back at your numbers link you gave me, the first FPS is TOm Clancy's Rainbow Six: Lockdown for what----XBox. I wasn't arguing about any other genre. PS hands down beats XBox rears in the RPG genre and many others.

I'm not arguing anymore, just don't flame anyone anymore for gaming on a console just because you love the PC. That's fine that you love the PC, I respect that. Some of us others prefer consoles.
I'm not arguing anymore, just don't flame anyone anymore for gaming on a console just because you love the PC. That's fine that you love the PC, I respect that. Some of us others prefer consoles.
Flaming? You're taking this all wrong, buddy. All I said is that the pc is the best platform for FPS and RTS games (although it was fun to play C&C on two connected playstations).

As far as the numbers are concerned, the link I provided was for consoles only. And it was there to show that xbox popularity was below playstation. Look through their archives and you'll see that xbox doesn't have nearly as many top sellers as playstation does. Most of the xbox top ten are multi platform releases (madden 2006 for example).

After giving it a little more thought, I'm guessing that the reason that xbox has so many FPS is because most people who play FPS aren't going to do it on a console. They'll do it on a pc instead. That provides an untapped market for xbox as no other system is going to put out any FPS as they don't have much popularity for consoles. Since nobody else is putting them out, the company that does will have their own niche. If you want a FPS for a console, it's going to be on xbox.

I still own most of my consoles; 8 bit nintendo, super nintendo, N64, genesis, saturn, PS 1 and 2. I recently sold my 3DO and turbo grafx-16. Aside from the convenience of emulators, I'll keep playing the old games on them until they stop working. As far as my preference is concerned, it really depends on the game. RTS, FPS, city building, military strategy will all be played on a PC. Most RPG and sports games are on a console.

Just look at my first post in this thread...
deli_conker said:
Sorry, Playstation all the way...
Xbox 360. Anyways i would get a pc but i don't like how you have to use the keyboard to play. I always press the wrong things cuz the keys are so close together.
BTW... poppab02... It's a lot easier to "share" computer games these days. I don't think we can rely on sales to show how popular a computer game is. Thanks.

Let's not forget... Even consoles are computers... How do you think they process things. The only reason consoles are so cheap is because companies like Sony and Microsoft can buy their cpu's and gpu's in quantities. That in turn means lower prices... so for that x800 you paid $500 for one... they bought 900,000 for $10 a piece.

I just felt like jumping in, because I love PC FPS... but I like console RPG's and some other game types.
Okay after reading this Im still lost. Me and my brother are avid Xboxers.. We have 3 xboxs, 1 in my room 1 in his room and 1 in the living room, over 70 original games and heaps of controllers. QUESTION is .. can we play old games on the 360..? Its not due out here for a while but would like to know..
Yes you can.

Anyways in the paper to day it said not to buy the xbox now because the developers have to learn how to make great games. They said it looked like and xbox game. I highly doubt it though.

You won't be able to use your old controllers though. The only other ports are USB I believe. Not all original games will be compatible to start... it may take a while depending on how popular the game is. I might get an Xbox 360, but it won't be till summer next year. I'll also get a ps3.
If you buy the hard drive you can play certain old games, the list is different for each country. No you can't use the old controllers.
As for the new games. Perfect Dark Zero, Call of Duty 2, and Project Gotham Racing 3 are some of the best reviewed games to come out in the last 6 months. There probably isn't another Halo in the group for this XBox launch but there are still good games available. As with any new console it will take years before developers learn how to tap into the consoles true power, they only really did that in the last year or so with the PS2 and original XBox.
I still have no idea how one is suppossed to gauge popularity except through sales in a society with a free market economy. What other possibility is there besides some arbitrary feeling? Seriously, if anybody has another system I am seriously open to other ideas. I hate gauging by sales as well.
Trust me, I know how much computer games are shared. Personally I think its moronic for PC gamers to do it. Don't you want to support this developer who gave you a great game so that they make more like it? Heck, I've even went out and bought console games that I beat while I rented it to give support. I think that it's facilitated the switch in society of alot of gamers to consoles because some developers simply won't go near a PC anymore because of all the sharing. And gamers follow the good games. Alot of people own XBox's simply for Halo or PS2's for Final Fantasy, gamers love gameplay above all. And I like PC gaming as well but it's not the be all end all of gaming as I think alot of PC gamers tend to think. Neither is the XBox. It's just different preferences.
I really don't care how they keep console prices down, all I know is the same video card can be had for $400 in a console as opposed to $1000+ PC.

I will be buying a 360. I might buy a PS3 depending on games available and price of console---my major worry with the PS3. But the most interesting system I think of this generation may be the Nintendo Revolution. Alot of people criticize the controller but it looks an awful lot like the old NES controller, which I still use and love (gotta break out the Mike Tyson's Punch Out at least once every 3 months). I just think there's a huge market for games that are fun but not hard to learn. Try explaining Halo to someone who's never played before and then try to get them to play it, it's extremely frustrating and difficult for them and they end up giving up. Now give them a NES controller and Mario. It doesn't look good, but I guarantee they like it alot more. Plus the promise of access to their whole gaming library. I'm pretty excited. The gamecube era just wasn't for me personally, but I'm ready to switch back to Nintendo if they come strong with the revolution.
Oh yeah, and this shortage of 360's is driving me nuts. Completely nuts. I missed getting one by one person on launch day and now there's nothing to do but hope and wait.
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