Yeah! Oh wait that sucks!

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Aug 27, 2003
Indianapolis, IN
Well the tank is coming along nicely. I got a good water test run and a coupla pics to show off. However a warning about RO units: If you are like me and entirely too sToOpId to own one don't go to work and forget to turn it off!!!! While my wife hates me for the moment at least she'll get new carpet! Fist the tank...
Oh yeah the water damage....That's my mini-wet bar minus the refidgerator. And the recess on the right in where (THANK GOD) my 65" HD Scenium TV was and unharmed. Remember: Be smarter than your equipment!
Oh no, sumphead, this just isn't your day. Didn't you have a flood a few months ago? :(

I also have a 65-inch HD (high def, not Home Depot, lol) widescreen. It's a Mitsubishi, like my car! I'm glad nothing happened to your TV!
Yeah, my basement flooded a few months back, but that wasn't my fault. This was just common, everyday stupidity. I just forgot I was filling a bucket and went to work. *shrugs* win some....lose some. Enough about that. How 'bout my new tank? LOL
Probabily can get carpet that match the tank

LOL, unfortunately this was upstairs in my bonus room. Yup, that's right! leaked clean through the garage ceiling even. The new tank is going downstairs, ahh why not I'll eventually need an excuse for carpet down there too. Hehehehe. Ahh, this one I just have to toss up to being human and laugh it off (though my wife doesn't agree at the moment).
Tanks coming along great!

and in regards to the RO thing... I forget all the time! That's why my RO filter is in the basement, and the rubbermaid tub it fills, is 6 inches away from the basement floor drain.

I regularly Come home to "Bill... you forgot the filter again"

so don't feel too bad!
I was going to put an RO filter in my fishroom but with 2 spills aleady, I might have to follow Billyz's lead and put it in the utility room with the floor drain.

BTW, the cube is looking great.
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