Yellow lab, sick or pregnant?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 25, 2011
Might be a stupid question, but I've only ever bred koi.

There's 2 yellows that have been in the tank the longest. 4 more about 1.5" smaller were added last week because I thought the 1 yellow was chasing the other. Wanted to even out aggression a little, because the bully yellow (only one with a dark black stripe on it's anal and pelvic fins) only chases the other yellows.
Today I was watching the bully chase the others, not relentlessly, plenty of cover on the sides and bottom. Then I noticed the other larger yellow acting strange up in the top corner underneath a floating plant, near the heater. She sometimes moves to the back top corner where there's a vertical rock. She almost swims almost straight up though, which worries me, but normal if I startle her.
Meanwhile, the bully is chasing the others, he nears her in the corner and I say uh oh. But then he (thought it was a she until it developed those black stripes a couple weeks ago) just sniffed her and hung around for a second, then flared and chased the rusty away.
He does seem more aggressive then usual, but I did just recently add the other yellows.

There's no signs of damage/injury on the sick/pregnant yellow, but the anal fin is white, don't recall that. I read somewhere that's a sign she's holding, but the vertical swimming doesn't seem normal.
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