Yellow Tang - Not so yellow

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 10, 2004
New York
My Tang lost her color and looks like she has a redish rash on her nose. She is acting OK but looks awful. I cycle my 75 gal tank one a month and feed her green seaweed. I have a clown and snowflake eel in with her and they are fine. No coral or liverock.

I have never tested my tank for proper levels (shame on me). Could someone tell me what is wrong with her?

I would also like to purchase fish that will be big and colorful and of course compatable - any suggestions on this also?

What type of test kit should I purchase?

Thank you for responding.
Go buy some salifert test kits and then post your readings. I have read some other posts where the tang had a reddish color. I believe most of them were fine after being given more nori.

Thanks for the response, after comparing my Tang to other's, I notice how sick it really is. The top fin is almost non-existant! Just a small ridge. She deosn't appear to be suffering, just sick.

I will take your advice ASAP and re-post.

Thank you
My yellow tang had some yed marks that started on her nose/forehead and spread to the rest of her body.

I started putting a few drops of zoe (liquid supliment in a bottle) on her nori before feeding, and upped her feeding and it went away. She is fine now.

Check her out at

Sounds like signs of head and lateral line erosion. Not a good thing usually due to poor nutrition, and poor water parameters. If I were you I would get some different types of dried seaweed such as red. My three yellow tangs prefer the red over the green. You want a diet that is high in algae content and lower in protein. Also feed some spirulina and high vitamin C foods. There are some good formula 2 pelets which also have garlic in it. Also as toddwess mentioned zoe, and other liquid vitamins are great to soak the nori in before feeding. Hope your tang gets better, also I hope your doign water changes, ecspecially if you aren't checking your levels.
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