Yellow Tang with red spots on its face??

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 29, 2011
Hi there just notice that my yellow tang has some red spots on its face kinda like little holes, is there a reason why this is happening? It eats and looks fine but its face is looking bad. Please help, thank you.
Do you have a decent picture? Also what are the water parameters adn the basic setup? Tank size, ammonia readings etc....
Sounds like HLLE or something like it. My yellow tang has it/had it but is looking alot better. Make sure your params are good and you are feeding seaweed every/every other day. Should clear up :)
I dont have a picture, my parameters are good, I have a 65gallon tank yellow tang, 4 chomis, 1 cleaner shrimp with some live rocks.
I do not feed it seaweed but I will go and buy some, the spots stopped spreading but I am not sure if its going to stay scarred like that.
Most likely the start of HLLE ,,get some vita-chem and soak the seaweed in it...should clear up in a few weeks ...
Yup! Poor nutrition and bad water quality are SAID to do it. Ive seen blue tangs in GIANT tanks (3000g with 2 1600g sumps) with HLLE and theyve got it great. Most yellow tangs get it.

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