Yellowey Brown water problem

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 10, 2005
new york, ny
My aquarium water has turned a light yellow brown uriney type colour, my fish seem perfectly happy and healthy, eating fighting with each other etc., but it does not look very nice. I have a 68 gallon tank and have I think plenty of filtering - eheim 2217 and a aquaclear 30 gallon filter, as well as a couple of big sucker fish. It's a fairly new tank less than a month old with 2 jack dempseys, an african cyclhlid, parrot fish and a jewel fish.

I have tested the ph it's ok as is the tempreture. Can anyone help me? Any suggestions for causes solutions would be welcomed.

It sounds like you are having a diatom bloom (a type of algae). This is common in a newly cycled tank. Do you have brown spots on your decorations also?

If so, what you describe as your "suckerfish" may find this to be a tasty treat. What type of "suckerfish" do you have?
Just a quick note regarding your current stock, you have mixed African's and South American Cichlids. From what I have read, the Dempsey's will become territorial and you may have aggression issues with them and the Parrots. The parrots can handle their own, but they will get picked on. The Dempsey's are considered Very-Aggressive and the Parrots are Semi-Aggressive. Take caution when mixing. While the African's thrive in higher pH, the S.A. prefer lower.

Do you have a planted tank or plastic/silk plants? Do you have any peat in the tank? What is your current pH?
If you have peat or driftwood in your tank then they can release tannic acids (fine for fish) but sort of yellowish brown in color. Its probably just a diatom bloom like J- said but if it doesn't go away you might look to your decorations to see if they could be the cause.
It's possible you are feeding too much. Do you have a test kit for ammonia, nitrite, & nitrate?
As you can see, this can be caused by MANY things. And it can be a combination of things. When you say "fighting", they aren't hurting each other, are they?
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