Yet another Bala Question

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Aug 5, 2008
Tyler, Texas
I have recieved 2 bala's around 5" long or so. Pretty healthy two. Question i have is.. i just saw them rubbin up on eachother.. slaping eachother with there fins and swimming around at pretty much full speed. Question is.. are they just going threw the spawn motions, playing, or possibly flashing against eachother vs a rock? Thats all pretty new to me. and ive had them for about 2 months now... so.
im not certain but i had two balas together a while back and also got them about 4-5 inches and i had them for 8 months before a moth flew into the tank and they all died the next day.(very sad) they also used to rub each other like that for a while at first but nothing came of it so ya i think its just part of thier behavior but im not certain. sorry i couldnt be more help
Mine do that all the time. I have 3 of them 6"+ and 2 of them do it all the time. No idea yet if they are spawning or not.
Long as they arnt doing it to rub against something softer than rock, per ich or whatnot.. im good then. ty xD.

Did the 2 you have rub and then chase eachother.. till the others got in the way and then run after them too?
hmm i have two tiny ones... like 10cm each...
but the slightly larger one keeps chasing the smaller one... would they fight.. or get hurt?
They are schooling fish. they set up a hierarchy. With only two the dominant fish keeps pecking at the subordinate fish. That is why they do better in small groups 3-5 or more, it breaks up the aggression. Of course with the adult size of the fish that means a large tank.
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argh.... n i got this small aba knife fish, like 20cm... n its like attacking every thinking of buying a tank for it..
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