Yet another filter question- this time lets talk internal!

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Nov 19, 2003
McKinney, Tx
I swear, ive asked a million filter questions.

Whisper filters have come out with an internal filter you can either hook to the inside edge or use suction cups on the inside to hide. They only go up to 40gal.. I was just wondering if anyone has one or has heard anything good or bad things about them. I was thinking about getting two and putting one on either side of the tank and hiding them. But then again.. im always thinkin about doing something when it comes to my tanks.
Well, I have the whisper 2-5 gal internal filter for my 5.5 gallon betta tank. I like internal filters...There good if you don't have much room on the outide of your tank or things of the like.

The thing about these big ones (the 20-40) is that they are just huge. I don't know how many gallons the tank you will be putting them into is, but you might want to go with a HOB. From what I have seen (and only as I have been stocking them) they are pretty big. Sorry this doesn't help all that much, I think it is just all a matter of personal preference, if you don't want the unsightliness in your tank. :wink:
Well its a 75 gal so Id put two on each end in the back corner. I would assume I could hide it with plants and drift wood and I plan to make the back of the glass black so they would blend in well...

Im just curious of how well the work
Internal filters are very popular in Europe - that is mostly what you'll find according to members who post here. If you have room in the tank for them they are certainly a viable option, but I have not used them, except small ones for a Q-tank. If I was getting a filter for a 75 I would go with a canister.
Well its a 75 gal so Id put two on each end in the back corner. I would assume I could hide it with plants and drift wood and I plan to make the back of the glass black so they would blend in well...

Im just curious of how well the work

Those would have to be some big and tall plants and driftwood to completely hide the filter :roll: . Also, you can't completley submerse an internal filter into the tank. It has the hook AND suction cups so that is will stay stuck to the glass. Sorry if I am mistaking what you are saying...but the filter HAS to hang from the top of the glass.

That said, I think it pretty much works the same as a HOB or any type of external filter. Allows you to place your tank against a wall instead of having a filter hang on the back, and is also much quieter. The motor and all the running pieces of the filter are underwater...

But, like I said before, I think it is all personal preference :roll:

Have fun choosing!
i think it pulls the water from a tube from the tank it goes down the "tower" with the media, foam, or floss it cleans the water. then when it gets to the bottom i think it gets pumped back into the tank into a spray bar

most of this is guessing
The process of filtration with a canister filter varies with the brand. For the most part though, water is sucked out of the tank through an intake tube, up (or down, depending on the model)through a series of media (floss, biobags, cartridges, carbon, etc.) and then back out through a spray bar.

I found you a good site to fully explain the Canister Filter:

Hope this helps! :wink:
Right, or beside it, or whatever. After having both I think the filtration is superior to the HOB in many cases, as they seem to really move quite a bit of water. I like them because there is no monster box hanging off the back of the tank, but only a few inobtrusive hoses. I often supplement them with a HOB with biowheels. You can get a biowheel attachment that connects to the outflow of a canister.
I was thinking about getting a internal filter to go with the power filter. After looking at them in the store I decided to save my coins for a canister instead. Take up way to much room.
I went out and bought a power filter tonight just because the canister filters are way out of my price range for now. Maybe once I get my tank up and running and have the money to spend ill buy a canister.

Thanks so much for all the imput. I would rather hear it from you guys than a random review because I know that ya'll know what you are talking about..... most of the time at least :wink:

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