Yet another new fish thread

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 25, 2004
New York, NY
So I am going to add my Wtachman to my display tank this weekend, so it's time to start thinking about the next (possibly last for now) addition.

My Goby is about 1.5" and my Clown is less than 1" (probably about .5"). I know that with my tank size, I'm looking at a maximum of 6" of fish, so I have perhaps 4" left, 3 to be safe and account for growth.

When a fish is said to grow up to 3", how lilely is that? Does habitat size limit growth somewhat?

I am debating between the Royal Gramma or a small school of chromis. Not sure if I have the inch room for the school, but it's still on the table. I'd like to stick with easy, non-aggressive fish right now.

Anyone have any adivse on which to go with, or other suggestions of fish that will complement my yellow goby and orange clown, color-wise and compatability-wise?

I think a gramma would be OK. They get to be about 3". I have one and its a very mellow fish, doesn't bother anyone,
I enjoy my pistol shrimp with my watchman goby. Believe me, they'll find each other. You may not see the watchman as much because he'll faithfully guard the entrance to the tunnel - which could be out of sight sometimes. I got lucky. Their entrance is always in the front of my tank somewhere. The only word of caution would be to ensure your LR is firmly on the bottom. The shrimp will move sand from underneath.
I don't have a pistol shrimp, but perhaps I shall have to get one. Though I already have 2 different species of shrimp in my tank and a third might be too many for such a small space.
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