Your dream tank

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 20, 2003
Arkansas USA
I'm curious - if you could only have one tank, what would it be? Give us a full description, and to make it easy, let's say money and space are not a problem. . .
Thats easy,

220Gal bow front SW tank. Mounted in wall with a tank room behind it, for maint and cleaning. The tank will sit on a Red Oak Stand and Canape, both build half int the wall as well. I want all the plumbing to run down into the basement Sump room where i want a 100Gal sump, RO, Skimmer and mechanical equiptment.
Hmmm...have you ever been to "The Living Seas" at Disney? Or the Large aquarium at Sea World...

Well you get the idea, you could scuba in it.
Stoneydee--what's your dream tank??

I don't have one right now--all the fish I really like are incompatible!
keep dreaming...

I actually started a thread about this called Keep dreaming...

I have several dream tanks that you can read about in the post I listed above... I don't know that I could pick one even though there's a good chance none of them will ever happen...
Hopefully the link above will work, first time trying it...
1000 Gallon acyrlic display
500 Gallon fuge
Toss in around one ton of LR
I would have to think on the details, but I can see it in my mind and it shall be mine! MUHUAHAHAHAH
Mine would be a 350 gallon, heavily planted, tons of driftwood, with 16-18 Discus, 4 dozen rummynosed tetras, 3 dozen Emperor teras, 10-12 Congo tetras, and 20-24 panda cories.

200+ gallons.... heavily planted , full CO2 and metal halides.... i just can't decide btwn discus or some really fun apistos. both maybe? is that possible? well, me ever owning a 200+, not possible. so i'll throw em in there.
This is too cool. . . Mine would be at least a 300 gallon (on the floor but raised) indoor goldfish "pond," complete with tropical aquatic and semi-aquatic plants, and a really cool fountain.

I'd like to have a combination of about 15 fancy goldfish, and since I'm partial to ryukins, they'd have to be in the majority.
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