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    • Danio8
      Danio8 replied to the thread Hydra?.
      nevermind, you can disregard this post. I poked it and it didn't move or flinch so I think it's just some plant matter..
    • Danio8
      Danio8 replied to the thread Hydra?.
      I feel like it is also important to note that I have no shrimp, and while I do have female platys that occasionally give birth (one is...
    • Danio8
      I just did my weekly water change and noticed this on one of my elodea... I'm trying to figure out if it's a hydra or just some really...
      • unnamed (3).jpg
    • Danio8
      Danio8 replied to the thread Platy beating up Tetra....
      Ok thanks! I ordered the Omega One Veggie Kelp Flakes!
    • Danio8
      Danio8 replied to the thread Platy beating up Tetra....
      Thank you! The live/frozen foods are sold at a shop a bit far away but I will see what I can do. Do you have any recommendations for...
    • Danio8
      Danio8 replied to the thread Platy beating up Tetra....
      Yes, I was thinking she might be hungrier. I am currently feeding them once a day with about as much food as they can eat in a minute to...
    • Danio8
      Danio8 replied to the thread Platy beating up Tetra....
      Here are shots of the tank and the yellow glofish in question. Ignore my dying plants please. They are a work in progress...
      • unnamed (2).jpg
      • unnamed (1).jpg
    • Danio8
      I have a female platy who I've had for over a year now (She's actually the one in my profile picture). She is in a 20 gallon tall tank...
    • Danio8
      Danio8 replied to the thread Upgrading Tank Size.
      Ordered the NA Thrive! Thanks!
    • Danio8
      Danio8 replied to the thread Upgrading Tank Size.
      Thank you! In my current tank I do have Amazon swords, a java fern, a couple small Anubis’s, and some Java moss. The moss is growing...
    • Danio8
      Danio8 replied to the thread Upgrading Tank Size.
      Thank you for the advice! Currently my lighting plan is a 26 watt hygger light from amazon, so I'd probably say I would need plants that...
    • Danio8
      I have had a 20 gallon tank for about a year and a half and I have decided to upgrade to a 40 gallon breeder. The filter I would be...
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