Distilled water

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 6, 2021
Spring Valley, NY
Hi, I’m thinking about starting a nano reef tank (currently have a 180 fowlr tank) can I use distilled water instead of rodi? How do the two compare?
Hi, I’m thinking about starting a nano reef tank (currently have a 180 fowlr tank) can I use distilled water instead of rodi? How do the two compare?
The main difference between the 2 are the way they are processed but the end result is the same ( no ions, minerals or salts). Both need to be remineralized before being used in a freshwater tank but for marine tanks, if you are using a salt mix, that should suffice. Salt does not evaporate so using it to refill the marine tank as is for evaporation is fine. (y)
Some volatile chemicals like chloramines arent removed by distillation.

Supposedly not by reverse osmosis either but I haven't heard of any store bought distilled water having chloramine showing up in tests. :huh: Not sure anyone at home would be making distilled water. :blink:
Distilled water should be pure and I doubt chloramine would evaporate at the same rate as water.

After reading Aiken's Post here ( #3) I did a bit of googling and found that there was mixed posts from universities and water distillation companies as to whether distillation will remove chloramine but definitely does remove chlorine.
As for RO systems, they don't remove chloramines by going through the membranes but from going through the canisters that contain carbon or carbon like substances within the system.
I like to be " Better safe than sorry." ;)
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