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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 9, 2017
So I have had a 40 gallon tank for 3 months stocked with the exact same fish. In the past 2 days I have found 1 tiger barb 1 Chinese algae eater and a blood gourami dead and half eaten. I currently have guppies, danios, barbs gouramis and a bala shark in there who or what could be the killer?? These are actually the first 3 fish I have lost in over 3 months
It could be any of them, but I would recommend watching the tank and maybe filming it for a couple hours to see if any one is particularly aggressive. It's not always the biggest fish or a notoriously aggressive one. I had a guppy that ate all of my other fish once.
Whats your water parameters? Sure they aren't being eating after death.

Water parameters are good just checked after finding the dead ones and I have a go pro camera I might just mount it and do some filming it seems to happen overnight cause I feed them everyday in the morning and at night and last night they were all good
Bala sharks are incredibly peaceful fish, usually, but are schooling fish and won't be happy alone, so perhaps yours is showing an unusual aggression (Bala sharks also get fairly large, up to 12" I believe, and aren't good choices for a 40g tank). I don't believe any of your other fish are overly aggressive, and if your water parameters test good, you may want to look for other causes: parasites, bacterial or fungal infections, etc. Did you also test for ammonia? Nitrites and nitrates can test good, even if there are unacceptable ammonia levels in the tank.

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