Bronze Cory – Corydoras aeneus

The Bronze Cory is fun, lively, comical, peaceful, and is a great addition to almost any aquarium community. They are easy to care for and are compatible with most community fish. Be careful when purchasing Bronze Corys… you may soon want them in all your tanks!

Scientific Name: Corydoras aeneus
Common Names: Bronze Cory; Albino Cory

Region: South America as far north as Venezuela and as far south Uruguay

Maximum Size: 3″ (7cm)
pH Range: 6.0-8.0
Hardness: 5.0-19.0 dGH
Temperature: 72-82F (21-31C)

The Bronze Corydora is also known as the Albino Corydora, which is a white variation of this species. This species, especially the bronze colored one, is one of the hardiest of the corydora, if not the hardiest. It is also one of the hardiest of all freshwater aquarium fish.

The Bronze Cory is an armored catfish. They have what look like armored or bony plates ? like that used to make up a knight?s armor. These plates set them apart from other catfish that have smooth skin.

Bronze Cory catfish are extremely active, playful and fun to watch. However, to ensure the utmost happiness and healthiness of this fish, a few things need to be taken into consideration. First, Bronze Corys should never be kept alone. A single catfish will remain shy and inactive for the duration of their solitary life. While happiest in a group of three or more, they also do well in pairs. When in pairs or groups, these fish are quite active and comical to watch as they scurry around the tank.

It is very important to have the right substrate for this species. Corys have barbells (whiskers), which help them dig through the substrate and hunt for food. If the substrate is too pointy or rough, their barbells will wear away in time. Most small varieties of aquarium gravel have smooth enough edges to be sufficient, however, the Bronze Cory enjoys a sand substrate the best. The Bronze Cory also tends to be shy, so caves or hiding spots should be present in the aquarium to accommodate them. This species loves vegetation, both planted and floating, however, since they sometimes rush to the surface for a gulp of air, there should be gaps for them to get through to the surface.

The Bronze Cory is an omnivore and should be fed a variety of food to keep them happy and healthy. Flake foods, brine shrimp, sinking pellets and algae wafers are just some of the foods tolerated by this species. These fish are bottom dwellers and scavengers. While they will eat leftover food at the bottom of the tank, this should not be their primary food source, as they will be deprived of the proper nutrition and can quickly die.
It is not extremely difficult to breed this species in captivity. The first hurdle to overcome is to ensure that a male and a female are both present. It can be quite difficult to sex the Bronze Cory. Males tend to be slightly smaller and leaner. The best way to view this species while sexing is from above. Since it can be so difficult to sex this species, the best thing to do is to purchase around six or seven. This should ensure you have both sexes present.

To induce the breeding process, cold water should be added to the aquarium, which is why it is always a good idea to set up a breeding tank and not disturb the rest of the fish in a community tank. When a male is ready to spawn, he can be seen speeding around the tank, occasionally stopping to rub against the female. When the spawning takes place, the female can release up to ten eggs. These eggs have a sticky coating, and will adhere to whichever surface the female has deemed to be the best. Eggs will hatch in approximately 3-5 days.

The Bronze Cory is fun, lively, comical, peaceful, and is a great addition to almost any aquarium community. They are easy to care for and are compatible with most community fish. Be careful when purchasing Bronze Corys ? you may soon want them in all your tanks!

Personal experience.
Last update: 2006-02-06 10:16
Author: lmw80