Almost dead fish...

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Aquarium Advice Regular
May 20, 2012
Is it possible to save a fish that is probably 95% dead? My pair of salvini recently bred while I was away. I've read that the female and male need to be separated once the fry are free swimming, as the male will typically try to get her to breed again, and get violent about it if she doesn't submit. Needless to say, I did not have time to put the separator in, and he beat her up real bad over night. She is upside down in a corner....still breathing and gills moving.....but basically lifeless. I'm guessing I'm SOL here.

Put the divider in, do a water change, and add salt, probably all you can do. Let us know how it turns out
Idk if id do a water change. But quarintine is deff you best option. Maybe let her just get bac to normal in isolatiin for s few days. +1 on the salt though. Good luck.
The water change is pretty much manditory to avoid bacterial infection, just stress out the fish as little as possible
Cichlids can be very resilient. As mentioned just keep the water pristine, add a little bit of salt, and keep a close eye on her. My EBJD got tore to shreds by another male, fins completely gone and both sides looked like road rash.

I pulled him and spot treated with methylene blue a few times as I saw anything that looked like fungus, and he is good as new.

I hope it works out for you.
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