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Andy Sager

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    • Andy Sager
      Andy Sager replied to the thread Angelfish aggression..
      Discus are not easy fish to take care of. They are not really community tank fish either. They have very strict water requirements and...
    • Andy Sager
      Andy Sager replied to the thread Angelfish aggression..
      I would not get small Discus with your Angels and I would not get Discus until your Angels figure themselves out and you see how much...
    • Andy Sager
      Andy Sager replied to the thread Angelfish aggression..
      How large is your tank? Do you see the Angels pairing off?
    • Andy Sager
      Andy Sager replied to the thread Angelfish aggression..
      That's all normal. Angelfish live in a schooling, hierarchy society so there will always be a #1, #2 and so on. #1 will peck at #2 to...
    • Andy Sager
      The good news is that he's not really swimming in circles. Since he's blind, he doesn't know what is in front of him so from what I see...
    • Andy Sager
      Andy Sager replied to the thread Back again....
      Welcome back. Those fish have also lit a fire back into my fish breeding fireplace. ;) Keep us posted on your progress. (y)
    • Andy Sager
      Andy Sager reacted to BallAquatics's post in the thread Back again... with Like Like.
      After being out of the hobby for several years, I'm back. Hoping to get back into spawning rare Danios & Devarios.
    • Andy Sager
      You can find out about setting up a hospital tank here: Quarantine tanks and Hospital tanks, are they really different? at post #2...
    • Andy Sager
      The fluff is most likely some fungus on a wound. If you could get a closer pic of that area, that would help. There is a possibility...
    • Andy Sager
      Andy Sager replied to the thread Hatched Corydoras.
      Here is a summary of what you need to do: Hatching & Raising fry - ( There is a link to a more comprehensive article...
    • Andy Sager
      Andy Sager replied to the thread Hatched Corydoras.
      What kind of Cory?
    • Andy Sager
      Andy Sager replied to the thread Clown Loach dying ?.
      Aiken pretty much said what I was going to say. Clown loaches require clean water most importantly and do not handle change very well...
    • Andy Sager
      Andy Sager replied to the thread Fritz Complete plus Prime.
      Fritz complete is basically the same as Seachem SAFE. Seachem SAFE is the same as PRIME except it does not add the slime coat...
    • Andy Sager
      Andy Sager replied to the thread Strange bump.
      It appears to be a tumor. Sadly, they are very common in goldfish these days. There's nothing you can do about them. Eventually it may...
    • Andy Sager
      Andy Sager replied to the thread Female betta laying eggs.
      If you have other fish in the tank, especially scavengers, they will eat them, so no worries. They are going to be very small so you...
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