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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 28, 2004
Palm Bay, Florida
I have a cichlid tank and my Pseudotropheus socolofi (powder blue), which I have had for 3 months now, doesn't use his pelvic or anal fins at all. He uses just his pectoral and caudal fins. He eats fine, and usually likes to hide. The fins are there and aren't damaged in any way. Has anyone ever seen this before? My water parameters are fine: Ammonia 0, Nitrites 0, and Nitrates at about 20 ppm, PH at 8.
Is this something new or has he never used them. Could just be a little lame, seen that before. If he's eating thats always the best sign. A sick fish seldom eats.
He's pretty much always done this. His name in Nemo, thanks to my 9 year old. He is very healthy, no one picks on him, he just doesn't use them. Who knows, he seems fine!
He probably does use them when he needs to. He is just able to get around with out waisting the energy to move them. If he's hiding most of the time he doesn't need them often. He could be lame, but if you can't see any obvious deformity I doubt he is. Enjoy your cichlids, they each will have there own personality. 8)
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