What types of fish do Angels get along with best?

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Just curious as to what kinds of fish get along well with Angels.
Well, bottom dwellers seem to be the best from my experience. The angels will literally eat most smaller fish (ie: Neon Tetras are a GREAT and expensive food). Stay away from fish that nip at their fins. I personally have also kept them with some rams from good stock.

Of the last times that i kept angels, it was mostly fancy plecos and bottom dwellers because the angels were breeding and terrorized/killed all the top and middle swimming fish.
I have my angels in with some lyretail mollies, clown loaches, a gold nugget pleco and serpae tetras. And a couple of guppies, but I am monitoring that situation, I wouldn't put it past the angels to eat the guppies.
yeah, they say Serpae tetra's are the best because they are tougher and get bigger. I was discouraged from most of the smaller tetra's so i settled on the Serpae's and im very happy.
You can see i have dwarf gouramis with them too and they've done great since the beginning with no aggression problems, although if my angels ever breed it may be a different story.
Other than that, I have all bottom dwellers, Cory cats, Loaches, Pleco, and Rainbow Shark

p.s. See my sig for all my fish
Just don't put a betta in with them.

I came home from work and my beautiful crown tail betta was definned and floating at the top. I was devistated.
well, just look at my signature! Platies, Danios, Tetra's and more. The real trouble is getting angels to get along with each other.
Remember, Angels are cichlids too and they will behave like one. When keeping angels, you need to keep even numbers. If you keep 3, the third one will get picked on.

I have my angels with 8 columbian tetras, 3 clown loaches, 2 bristlenose plecos and 1 rainbow shark.

Everyone seems is behaving themselves so far. I plan on getting 2 more angels and some cory cats.

I've been told they will get along with gold gouramis, pearl gouramis and even kribs.
FawnN said:
Remember, Angels are cichlids too and they will behave like one. When keeping angels, you need to keep even numbers. If you keep 3, the third one will get picked on.

I only mentioned my three to state a fact. They were originally four and one had gone on to fishy heaven about a month ago. :( Since they were at the age where introducing another would be even worse, they've managed to find a way to co-exist for now.
I only mentioned my three to state a fact. They were originally four and one had gone on to fishy heaven about a month ago.

JC, I didn't even catch that, so my comment was not directed towards you. Sorry if it seemed that way. :oops:
my angel is in right now with 2 guppies 2 platies a mollie and a red tailed shark and that has been for almost a year now. the angel has never been a problem towards the other fish it is that shark that has the attitude lol. i think that as long as you buy the angels as babies or just small they learn to co exist with the other fish because when they are small they cant eat them.
yeah, i too had started out with an even number, but lost some and wound up with the 3 i have now. If two of them start picking on the 3rd, i will of course have to find another home for the third angel.

I think loaches are really good with Angels, and I see im not the only one who has A rainbow shark as well. I have several cory's too just because they are so much fun.
And as a side note, dwarf gouramis also get along with angels, at least mine do.
I wouldnt advise having guppies with angels, or any other fish small enough to fit in there mouths, they will end up eating them..
Check my signature to see what fish I have with my angelfish in a 30 gallon tank. Definitely avoid neon tetras or other fish similar in size or smaller. When I first put angelfish in the tank I had eight neon tetras and these slowly decreased in number to two before I rescued them and took them back to the LFS.
I know you people like to sound really smart using the scientfic terms, but i have to look up each of your fish to find out what kind they are... LOL
I have several tanks with angels. In these tanks are a mix of congo tetras, rummynose tetras, platies, sailfin mollies, rams, threadfin rainbows, cory cats and plecos. I also keep my angels in groups of odd and even numbers and I don't see a difference in aggression either way.
i was even discouraged from getting rummy nose tetra's because they said that a full grown angel may even eat them!
Adult rummy's get pretty big. Around 2 inches. I guess a large adult could peck them off. But, I've never had a problem with it or having the angles eat my platies or guppies. :? Everyone's experiences are different, just as every fish is different and behavior can be unpredictable.
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