Naming your fish

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jun 29, 2005
Triad, North Carolina
I know we don't like to admit it, but we all name our fish :p
Some of mine are.. Lisa the Hooker, Goober, Big Red Jr., Lacy Layne, Big Blue, Orange Crush and Lil Bit.
What's your's ?

My betta's name is Merlin, my boyfriend's betta is named VHS (he is a big electronic geek...ok, I am too), my male angle is named Darth Maul or sometimes Crow, the female is named Gypsy, my bristlenose pleco is named Buck, and I'm trying to find a name for my spotted rubberlip pleco. Everyone else doesn't have a name (tetras, danios and cories).
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