Where are all the Texans??

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Oct 13, 2005
Harlingen, Texas
Dang, the poor Texas forum is dead as heck! This forum is "buzzard bait" as we would say out in West Texas!!! :lol: Come on y'all, anything interesting going on in this state??? Did any of y'all have to deal with rolling blackouts the other day?? If you don't know what I'm talking about:

Dang, is it hot early this year or what? I'm way dreading June, July and August if it's going to be in the 100's in April!!! 8O

Give me a shout out and let me know y'all are still out there.
I think everyone is inside standing in front of the open freezer!

The summer wasnt too terribly bad.. thank goodness its cooling down (some).
Wasn't too bad? We had no rain for 3 months and sparse rain for the 21 months before that. I call that pretty bad. East Texas is becoming more and more like West Texas as the time passes. The drive from Tyler to Sanger is beggining to look like the drive from Las Vegas to Pheonix.
LOL...I hear you Alshain. It was hotter the Hell down here all summer and very little rain. The name "Valley" isn't quite right.....humid desert maybe.

When it did manage to rain, it would rain for like 30 minutes and then the sun would come out and it would be 100 degrees with 98% humidity!!! 8O Absolutely MISERABLE.

Oh, well, that's Texas for ya! I've lived in this state for 28 years....wouldn't live anywhere else. ;)
(Jumping on the old thread here) My parents down in Palestine (East Texas) haven't really had too bad of a summer. Drier than it has been since '97, but nothing horrible. Since August or September, however, they've been seeing some good rains. All of this, however, according to my father.

Up here in East Dallas things have been rough (I'm in Rockwall, not The Colony... need to get that changed). We're on heavy water restriction and our lakes (Lavon and Ray Hubbard) are both really low. Heat didn't really seem bad for me though. I can't really remember the summer. lol. The ice/snow last week was a welcome site for an Idaho-transplant like me though!
Well, it's finally starting to cool off a little down here....if you consider 80 degrees in December cool! 8O We're supposed to get a 'cold' front tomorrow and go down to the 60's. Ahhh, life in tropical South Texas....where we build "sandmen" on the beach instead of snowmen in the yard.
I'm here, but living in WV.....sigh...I want to go "home" so much....sigh...
There's nothing in this world sadder than a displaced Texan. I feel for ya roka!! I lived in Oklahoma for 7 years (1991-1998) I could NOT wait to get back to Texas!!! Nothing like this state in whole world. We're the best!! ;)
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