56 Gallon Stocking (STUCK!)

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 10, 2011
I am so stuck! Ive pretty much decided to get a 56 Gallon column tank. I have 2 ideas for stocking though! Tell me yalls thoughts and suggestions please! (especially on option 2 because I need more fish species than I have)

Option 1 Community:
3-6 ottos
4-5 black kuhli loaches
6-8 glowlight tetras
6-8 zebra danios
6-8 Gold ringed danios
Sparkling Gourami
Maybe some cories
Would a badis work?
Maybe a betta
Maybe trade some out for platies or somethin

Option 2 Nano Fish:
Several Scarlett Badiss
2-3 Crocidile Toothpicks
3-6 ottos
6-8 Neon tetras
6-8 celestial Pearl Danios
4-5 black kuhli loaches
4-5 ghost catfish
Sparkling Gourami
Maybe cories
If you have any suggestions please post because I dont want a boring tank but I do want compatable fish that wont outcompete them for food.

Also would a small crayfish work well in eitherb tank?

Thanks yall for any help you can provide. Also if the Gold ringed danios will be ok for the scarletts then please tell me because that would be my first pic.
Thanks and God bless!
Im reposting this thread so I can make write irt better. I meant to write it different sorry
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