Badis Badis & RCS

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 3, 2008
Tampa, FL
I have decided that I want to get some Badis Badis (aka Dario Dario?) for my 5 gal hex.

My tank cycle will begin soon (next pay check) and I will wait to purchase the Badis Badis after shrimp have been in the tank for a little while to ensure that the colony will live on in the presence of the fish. If anyone knows about whether or not the fish will keep the shrimp numbers down please let me know. I hope that they will eat the small fry as I have read that they prefer live food and I don't need a hundred shrimp in my 5 gallon tank. I have only been able to find the Badis Badis on Aquabid from one seller (Lotsoffish)...does anyone have a different source? These little cuties are hard to come by! Any insight you have into this fish is greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance -:D
My friend had a few Badis Badis that grew up to be between 3.5 - 4.5 inches in a 20 gallon (From what I read this is somewhat abnormal I guess). Which is not very suitable for a 5 gallon. But I do believe he ordered them from another website. I'll call him tomorrow and see if he remembers
Unless you have just TONS of cover (lots and lots of java moss, najas, etc.), there is no way any baby shrimp are going to survive with those fish in there. And if, indeed, the fish get to 4"+ at adult size, I highly suspect once they are close to full-grown, your adult shrimp won't survive either.

If you want a colony that will "live on," just about the only way to do that is to make it a shrimp-only tank. (I know someone who did an RCS tank with Endler's...which are about as small a fish as exists in the hobby...and their report about the impact on the shrimp: "The endlers got almost every one (of the shrimplets.)" Not to mention the fact that as soon as you put a predator in a tank with RCS, especially a tank as small as a 5 gal, you will notice the shrimps will become much less active, less playful, they will spend a lot more time hiding, etc.

I've done RCS in tanks with fish, and RCS in tanks by themselves. There's no comparison...a shrimp-only tank is a much more enjoyable experience, IMO. The only fish I would recommend for an RCS tank are Otos if you are having algae problems on your tank glass. Snails make fine companions for shrimp tanks as well.
I have Endlers in with my RCS currently and have seen them eat baby shrimp. They dont bother the adults but my population is not growing either(maybe a couple that I cant see hiding, but still the same number of adults.
I was mistaken when I called the fish Badis Badis. I was actually referring to the Dario Dario (scarlet badis) which is said to get to 2 cm (.8 in) max. I picked the Dario Dario because they are said to be peaceful to both their own species and others and are super tiny (could have 4 or 5 of them in my 5 gal?). Now that I have looked on aquabid...I can't find the dario dario.

I like the idea of having shrimp with the fish because I have read that the shrimp do not add load to the tank and act as helpers/cleaners. I also like the shrimp idea because it will give me more to look at than the few fish that I can put in there. The fish will hopefully keep the shrimp pop in check. I do not know what I would do with a crazy amount of shrimp fry and I think that the fish would enjoy the snack option. Would the shrimp breed like crazy in a 5 gallon (like I expect)?

I am starting a different thread to discuss the plant options for my samll tank. Please look for it and offer your valued advice/opinions.

Thanks for your responses....whatever I end up getting I will post pics of on this thread in the future.
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