Copy Cats....

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 24, 2005
Wenatchee, WA
Anyone hear of Copy Cats? Well, here's my copy cat....

The other day I was watching my julii cory cats, and low and behold, a glowlite tetra was behind them, copying their moves. lol. Guess they were related, LOL.

It's cool watching the fish, and how they interact with the others. Totally awsome. Thought I'd share my copy cat of the week.
lol OH YEAH! i've seen copy fav. by far was my clown loach lol. i had 2 in w/12 tiger barbs...they would school w/them, since there were bigger badder fish in the tank, all they tigers would stay in a tight school, and the clowns stay w/em'. lol it was so funny to watch...but then again, they have the same color and pattern, so it cant be that hard of a mistake lol.
Hee hee.

My otto sometimes schools with my rummynoses. Its very funny cuz he never swims around like that on his own.

They don't copy each other, but I have been surprised to see my new BN pleco and my panda corries and kuhli loaches all hanging out together. I read that plecos can get territorial so I hope this little friendship endures.
sir_dudeguy said:
lol OH YEAH! i've seen copy fav. by far was my clown loach lol. i had 2 in w/12 tiger barbs...they would school w/them, since there were bigger badder fish in the tank, all they tigers would stay in a tight school, and the clowns stay w/em'. lol it was so funny to watch...but then again, they have the same color and pattern, so it cant be that hard of a mistake lol.

hehehe..... That's also with my yoyo's and tiger barbs, they do the same thing. :)
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