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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 4, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
What's up everyone? My newest 55 gallon is my first experience with lace rock. It's beautfiful, or at least it was! The 55 gallon currently houses 5 eels with Carib-Sea White Sand for a substrate. There are also four pieces of driftwood and one Java Fern I have been testing with to see what kind of scenery I can make. The tank has been going for about 4-5 weeks now with no problems whatsoever. But, when I checked it out about 2-3 days ago, I see red algae forming a nasty layer on my lace rock. Only half of the tank is lit right now because I had broken the other power compact bulb when first testing the hood and light fixture...yes, I am an idiot. I was very excited about my new 55 gallon at the time and was in a hurry before work. The thing is, is that only the side with the working power compact bulb has the red algae bloom. My concerns are this: Does Actinic lighting promote red algae growth (I have 50/50 lighting)? And, how do I stop this massacre from happening?

Any help would be appreciated. This is turning my once beautiful 55 gallon into the ugliness of a backyard retention pond :cry:...
My concerns are this: Does Actinic lighting promote red algae growth
no ... excess nutrients and lots of light produce ANY algae growth. Actinic ligting actually does nothing for plant or algae growth. Now, the 50/50 light may cause some of it .... but only the daylight aspect of it all.

There are 2 things that cause algae to grow like a weed:

a) over feeding your fish - just slow down your feedings to lile once every 2 days or so. It is all i feed my fish (except for one tank currently)

b) too much light - either reduce the number of hours you have it on (mine is on for about 12 hours) other then that, it may be that you have a lot of wattage for the tank. My tanks are running at about 2.2 watts per gallon. Any more then 2.2ish you should have some CO2 injected into your water for plant growth and to help with reducing the algae due to excess light in the tank.

Research some fish that you could put in with your eels that are of good size (won't be eaten) and eat the algae that is afflicting you.

Well, they are only fed once every three days. So that shouldn't be a problem. Their diet consists of various frozen meats and ghost shrimp. I'm still a beginner when it comes to the whole plant thing. How will injecting CO2 into my tank help to prevent algae growth?
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