Peacock Gudgeon

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 14, 2020
I have recently set up a planted 10 gallon, that is almost 2 months old. Besides the plants I have some driftwood, some rocks, and a clay pot(cave)- so it’s well broken up with lots of places to hide.
Filter- Aquaclear 20 with chemi-pure green
5 white clouds
2 nerite snails
2 peacock gudgeons
Plants- 2 cryptos, 2 amazon swords, 1Anubias, 1 java fern
- all plants have new growth
I just added the 2 peacock gudgeons and they are doing well . One is very bold, actually eats right out of my hand, but the other is very shy and hides all the time. They have been fighting occasionally with the smaller shy one instigating it from what I can see. They will flare at each other and then looks like they are wrestling. I think they are both males but it is hard to tell. I am hoping since they have only been in there about 4 days that they are just working out their place, but I don’t want anyone getting killed. Should I just monitor this for a little longer or is there something I can do? Would adding 1 or 2 more be an option? I know it’s a smaller tank, but I do water changes every 3 days of about 3 gallons.
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