small tank advice

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 3, 2005
Syracuse, New York
Ok so as I said before I have a 2.5 gallon tank with one zebra danio in it a heater set to 76 degrees and a filter. I have already been told that I should keep only a betta in a tank this size but I really want something else besides a betta in my tank. Which is why I got the zebra danio. I had more then one but due to a water problem I lost all but one (Danny I know how original) I had a betta named toy for 9 months and when I lost him I vowed not to buy anymore betta's. I had three at one time. In separate tanks of course but I lost 2 of the three very suddenly. I now have my last betta in his own small tank and when he goes that is it I believe. It was recommended to me by my lps that I can put either 3 guppies (2 female, 1 male), a few zebra danios or a few gobies in this size tank. Besides the betta, shrimp or snails what would do ok in this size tank. I would love to get a bigger tank but I cannot afford it. They are just too expensive. I got my 2.5 gallon for $5 with gravel an air pump, under gravel filter a plant a hood with a light and extra airstones and light bulbs. YAY for ebay. I would love to have a 5 or 10 gallon tank but it is just too expensive right now
Well if I where you I would plant the heck out of that baby & get some really colorful shrimp. They are interactive & fun to watch - & many will keep your plants really clean.
I would buy a male platty and 2 females ( I think guppies are rather ugly). Be sure that the babies get eaten though, becuase with that set up you are already overstocked.
You can get 10 gallon starter tanks at most any LFS or retail store from $30. Hood, light, filter, everthing you need besides the fish, plants, and decorations.
I don't have any personal experience with them, but according to Aquarium USA Magazine, small(2 in or less) Killifish are very tolerant of small tanks. It considers Chroaphyosemion Splendopleure to be one of the hardiest and most tolerant of small quarters. They say it will breed easily, too, even on flake (powdered) food. (Aquarium USA 2005 Manual, Vol. 111) It looks like a pretty fish from the picture. for more info on killi's.
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