positive feedback for shawnryan1977

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Dec 4, 2005
NE ohio
I received a box, which i was expecting to have some java moss and a java fern, and to my enjoyment he also included some lace java fern. packaged up very nicely and all green. thanks a million.
I guess I'll throw mine in here too instead of starting a new thread. I got about 20 MTS from shawnryan1977 today. They look great, and are already out doing their thing. Very carefully packaged. Thanks again shawn.
I ordered some MTS from shawnryan1977 as well. Received them yesterday with ZERO deaths. Wide range from large to very small.

Tossed them in all three of my tanks. Seem to be doing their job.

Thanks Shawn.
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