For Sale: RCS+Some plants

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 14, 2011
  • 20 RCS for $20 shipped
  • 30 RCS for $30 shipped
  • 40 RCS for $40 shipped
  • 50 RCS for $50 shipped
These are ranging sizes from .5" to 1". I always send a few extras in case a few die during shipping.

Brazillian pennywort: $3 for two 6-10" stems

Marimo moss balls: $4 for a golf ball

Narrow Leaf Anacharis:$2 for 3 or 4 6-10" stems

Ludwigia repens x arcuata: $3 for 2 6-8" stems

Ludwigia arcuata clippings: $3 for 3 4-6" clippings

I accept Paypal payments and mailed checks. If using a check, I must have the money from it in my account before I can ship. I also accept cash with local deals.

  • Shrimp: I ship USPS Priority in styrofoam lined boxes. No heat or cold packs at this time, so it needs to be 70-90° F in your area when the shrimp will arrive. I can only ship to the lower 48 US states. I always make sure to put in a random piece of a plant for them to hang on to during shipping.
  • Plants: I usually ship plants First Class Mail. If you are very far away I may need to ship Priority. I can ship plants with shrimp, but it may add extra weight and cost extra to ship. If you need a shipping cost quote, PM me with your zip code and what you want to buy.

DOA Policy:
I cover any DOA more than the few extra I send. Shipping usually costs me $6, so that leaves the difference for the shrimp. I refund the difference divided by how many you buy (ex: If you bought 20 and shipping was $6, 6 arrived dead, and I sent 5 extras, I would refund the cost of 1 shrimp, which is [14/20=] $.70/shrimp). In the event of a DOA, please send a clear picture of the dead shrimp still in the bag within 2 hours of delivery. This also applies to plants.

Thanks for looking!
I'm not sure why my pics aren't showing up but I will try them again:



Marimo Moss Ball:


Ludwigia Arcuata:


Ludwigia Repens x arcuata:



Brazillian Pennywort:


Narrow Leaf Anacharis:

Ludwigia repens x arcuata- SOLD
Marimo balls are larger now, so raising price to $6 each. Will post newer pics with a ruler tomorrow hopefully.
2 Marimo moss balls and 20 RCS sold. I have about 80 left.
DWilliams said:
I'd like 20 shrimp shipped to 28105.

Shipping costs me about $6 but I am doing package deals, so the $20 for 20 shrimp includes shipping.
60 more RCS and 2 marimo moss balls sold. I still have lots available. I should have fire reds in stock in a few months, if anyone is interested. I will post an updated list some time this week.
I am out of styrofoam as of tonight, so I cannot take anymore orders until I get more. I have PMed those who are effected by this.
For now RCS are sold out until I can see how many I have. I will have least killifish and fire red shrimp (hopefully) soon.
Hey did you still have cherry shrimp? I was interested in getting twenty.
bdp242 said:
Hey did you still have cherry shrimp? I was interested in getting twenty.

I do but I'm not selling any until I can see how many more I can sell.
20 more RCS have been sold! I only have one more package of 20 available.
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