Benjamin's 75g Garage Build (FOWLR to Reef)

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Man...... i'm liking this build so far. i myself am getting ready to start a 125g build. have most of the stuff, just waiting to redo the floor with laminate under where the tank is going!!!! ill be putting it up in the next week. there has been some really valuable information here ! hope i can get as much input when i tackle mine? Keep up the good work !!!!
ha, I'm learning and making mistakes so be cautious with what you read and see :)

Picked up 3 very small green chromis tonight... cheap, easy, colorful and reef safe lol. I also got another emerald crab and 10 more mixed hermits. $29... can't beat that!
How much are Emeralds at Animal Jungle? I know they do 10 mixed hermits for i believe $7.88 without tax but they're real tiny.
The emeralds are usually $5.99. Anything ending in .99 isn't on sale, anything ending in $.98 is. It's sorta' their internal thing so they all know when ringing it up. So... you can get the 25% off anything not on sale basically. The hermits were actually a cleaner crew special for $7.98 (on sale). I actually got a nice mix tonight of really small to large and one had a snail stuck to him and another had some barnacles on him. The GC were $6.99 each.

That place is crazy. I mean I'm waiting for this couple who bought about $500 of fish tonight... an eel, triggers, angels etc. I waited almost 30mins for Nick to finish bagging everything before I got some help. It was good though because Andy (the main guy there since I was a little kid) was in the back and walked me through potential tank mates.
I love animal jungle and everyone there. They've helped me so much in setting up my tanks and what to improve. Prices for everything arent half bad either.
You will hear different things from different people and prices are hit or miss. But then again that's with ALL pet stores. The clowns at AJ were like $22 the other week and I got them at Fish Safari on sale for $14 so you just have to shop around. It's also about the people that are there and their mood, just like with anyone else.
Fish safari usually has hundreds of clowns so that doesnt surprise me. Pet paradise has clowns for 14.99 a piece or $25 for a pair at times. They all have something different. Depends who you know in the business too ha
Animal jungle has more bad things then good IMO .I hear bad advice whenever I'm there. Their frozen food is double the price that you can get it at care a lot and all-pet. All the live rock and cheato has Apastasia. Anyways thanks for the tip on Atlantic sea farm. I got some cheato and it looks 100x better than the jungles.
Animal jungle has more bad things then good IMO .I hear bad advice whenever I'm there. Their frozen food is double the price that you can get it at care a lot and all-pet. All the live rock and cheato has Apastasia. Anyways thanks for the tip on Atlantic sea farm. I got some cheato and it looks 100x better than the jungles.

I agree, I'd never get rock there. In fact, while we were waiting I was looking in one of the frag tanks and they had these amazing softies and the entire back seemed to be blown away by all this apastasia in the rear of the rock it was on. I'm just taking advantage of some of the sale prices to get things going. I think all my coral will end up being through the reef meet ups, atlantic sea farms or Fish Safari. If you want to talk to someone cool and old school, James at FS is the man.
I went out into the garage early this morning to see how the temp did last night since we're having our first real cold snap this weekend. The tank was at 75°. I think insulating the outer wall is going to be the final touch but I am thinking about getting another 200w in the coming weeks. I can drop this in the return camber and use it to heat new water during changes. Finishing the garage and another heater should be perfect.

Also.. copepods... I dropped in some trigger pods (brand I guess) last week and remember that the rock was about 6 years old. I when I looked in the tank this morning the front glass was covered in these little white flea like things. They were gone when I checked later sometime after the lights came one.

Are these copepods? The ones I put in were red. I just wonder if I have something else that is flourishing now that the tank is really fully functioning or if these are younger hatchlings of the red ones I planted? Thoughts?

In any case, the guy at Animal Jungle said I probably had a decent amount of them in the tank already if the rock is that old and the tank has been set up for 2 months at my house now.
Wait atleast 2-3 more months before adding Copepods. Trust me, they eat through them like bulldozer snails do to algae
So I got 3 green chromis last Wednesday and 2 of the 3 are suspect right now. I don't have a QT tank yet as I don't have all the equipment I need. I'm not planning on adding anymore stock until I do. 1 of the 3 is on his last "fin" it seems. I found him hiding under a rock and got him in a fry net. He's swimming in vertical circles when he's swimming at all. One of the other 2 is hiding a lot at the back of the tank and the other is happy go lucky and all over. Any thoughts? I'm assuming it's a parasite of some sort. There are no external illnesses signs that I can see.
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