battle scars...

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Dec 3, 2002
One of my cichlids(melanochromis auratus) got beaten up a bit on the tail so I took her out and put her into a 10 gallon(no filter, air stone basic decor and gravel) The tail was red and fins nipped pretty badly-now she sits on the bottom of the tank and doesn't move much. A white kinda cloud like haze is built up around the tail only. Is there something I should know at this point to help the fish? What is that haze buildup?
I would susspect this form being in a 10 gallon with no filter. If he is injured then you could put him back in the other aquarium and use melafix. Do a little more research though because I'm not totally sure and you may not want to risk it if he really does have a contagious diesease.
white cloud? if it looks fuzzy,or hairy, ( i am not real good at descriptions, do a search on google for fish fungus) it's probably fungus, if so you need to treat it soon
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