dying neon

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 25, 2003
Blacksburg, VA
Hi. I am fairly new to aquariums. Here is my problem. This morning I found one of my neons with its tail stuck on the filter. It was struggling a bit, so I knew it was still alive. I unplugged the filter and carefully helped it out with a net. After being freed, it just kind of sunk and floated around. I got it secluded in a net in the corner of my tank. I didn't throw it out just yet because it looked like it was still breathing. When I went home during lunch, I saw that it was still breathing. It tries to move sometimes, but is just too weak to get too far and so just lays on the net. Is there any way I can help nurse it back to health? This is one of the neons that I either put in on Friday or yesterday. I got replacement fish yesterday for 2 other neons that I had that died through the filter. These are tiny neons. Any ideas or help would be appreciated. I was thinking of buying a small isolation tank from the store later.
One of the best things you can do with your fish is buy a test kit. Aquarium pharm. freshwater master kit comes with everything you need for about $20. Test your water and let us know what your parameters are, most important are pH, nitrate, and ammonia. Also it would be helpful to know your tank size and number/kind of fish. The more information you give, the more we are able to help.

I will say that a filter is rarely the cause of death, fish are strong enough to stay out the current, usually the sick and weakened get pulled into the filter.
i had my water tested by my local fish store before I put in the neons on Friday. They told me that everything looked good. Today, I had the water retested because of this neon. The guy said that everything is okay except the pH is a little high. I'm planning on doing a water change tomorrow. I have a 10 gal tank, and the only fish in there right now are 1 dwarf gourami, and 4 other tiny neons (not large neons). My question mainly is if there is any way to save the 5th neon, or is it a lost cause? I've had my tank for almost 5 weeks now. Did a water change on July 19. The gourami and 2 black mollies were my starter fish that I got on July 3 and they seemed to be doing well. Black mollies died this past week.. one in the filter, the other I don't know by what. no sign of ick or anything. any help with the dying neon fish would be great or advice on what I did wrong and what to do to improve is also welcome.
NM. I think it was my dwarf gourami that was killing off my fish especially the neons. I purchased a small tank to place on the side of the aquarium just to isolate him for a while to see what happens. So far, the number of neons has not declined :) we'll see what happens in a couple days. I may have to trade my gourami for something else at the fish store.
NM. I think it was my dwarf gourami that was killing off my fish especially the neons. I purchased a small tank to place on the side of the aquarium just to isolate him for a while to see what happens. So far, the number of neons has not declined :) we'll see what happens in a couple days. I may have to trade my gourami for something else at the fish store.
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