flashing ram :(

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 25, 2004
Last night I thought I saw my female ram flash on the sand, but I wasn't sure. This morning at lights on, she flashed once on the sand and once on the caves, and I think I saw do a shimmy type thing. I can see no signs of ich, all the other fish are fine. The only physical abnormality I can see on her is her 2nd dorsal ray is white. Nothing has changed recently in the tank. My params are all normal (ammo 0, nitrites 0, nitrates 20) I am going to do a waterchange today, but my question is should I move her into qt? I don't want to stress her out, and I know I can't medicate because I have no idea what is wrong with her. :? She is eating fine, and her color seems normal. She is really obsessive though about swimming along the back wall of the tank. It almost looks like she is looking for a way out. Can you tell I'm a bit worried?
Try to bring down nitrates, but their not bad. Anyway if the flash thing means scraping against something, it could just be nothing. Sometimes fish like to do it for no reason. And sometimes the shimmy thing means the fish wants to breed.
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