Shrimp. Its not just for dinner anymore.

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 16, 2003
I've decided I adore freshwater shrimp almost as much as my angelfish, and got some really cute pics of em. I have one big ol bamboo shrimp, and 2-4 cherry shrimp (they make rare appearances and never all at the same time...4 went in LOL no idea how many are still there but its at least one):
I wish the LFS around here sold those little guys. I have wanted to get some for my 10 gallon but I do so hate mail ordering live stock. Perhaps my brother can get me some in Ottawa and bring them home at xmas.

Nice pics..
I got the bamboo shrimp from a lfs, but the cherry shrimp I ordered from Arizona Gardens (online). Next time I'm ordering from Frank's Aquarium online; hes got a better selection, hes cheaper and hes a 2 hr drive from me *grin* Its the only time I bought livestock online; I ordered 5 and one didn't survive as he got himself stuck in the folds of the plastic bag. The others seem to be doing well (I find shells once in a while so I know they're moulting, which is generally a good sign).

I've only seen the ghost shrimp in the lfs, and once the bamboo. I don't think FW shrimp are very popular....yet *grin* but I think they will be, especially the filter feeders. Neat lil guys.
Shrimp are really cool. I have to say they are the #1 attention getting item in my tanks. Everyone always has to ask "Are these the type you eat?" and I have to tell them NO!. Not ulness you want to spend $30 on a little sliver of meat.
$30?? You must be talking SW shrimp right?? My guys were between 3 and 7 bucks each.
Ya SW shrimp. Here is a photo of one of the costly shirmp

OMG Fishfreek,that is such a nice photo! I must say that my personal computer's Desktop Wallpaper Collection has grown immensly because of your tank inhabitants! :D (Although I have the neighbor's cat as a wallpaper at the moment).
Whoa. I thought my cherry shrimp were an intense red but...daaaaamn. Does it glow in the dark too? :) Thats an AMAZING color!
Nope dont glow in dark. HEHE

Its common name is a FIRE shrimp. I think the color makes them outragously expensive for being s shrimp.
The bamboo shrimp decided to pose for me today *grin* so heres a few more pics. Cute lil bugger:
Oh God. FW inferiority complex!!!!!!!!!!!! My ghost shrimp are so common in comparison...
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