DIY 20 gallon aio with stand

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 30, 2013
I currently have a 10 gallon nano that is doing fantastic but is getting a little crowded. Just found a 20 gallon long on craigslist for $10! Started my stand tonight but it gets dark so early so didn't get much done. All the wood is cut for the frame. I will be assembling it tomorrow and putting skin on it this weekend if the weather is decent. Enjoy the build and any input is welcome. First picture is my ten nano as it sits now minus the maxi 900, that just got replaced by a hydro 240, second is one side of the tank frame haha. That's all I got done tonight


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Got around to building the false wall tonight, going to let it cure overnight, installed in the tank tomorrow and hopefully water test on Sunday as well as finishing the frame of the stand plus fix the overflow teeth lol


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Basic stand and aio 20 gallon long, still have to put skin on the stand and paint but this gives you a good idea


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Paint going over the false wall


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So after everything I have to switch out my baffles. Right now they are set up at 1 1/4" and I'm not getting enough flow through my false wall. I'm running an mj900 and I'm going to go to 1" or 1/2"? Any input would be appreciated

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Base rock and live sand came in the mail today, hopefully have this tank up and running by the weekend's end!

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Alright finally got it wet, waiting for the silicone on my media rack to dry so I can get some media in the, only thing I have now is some live rock robble that I got from my lfs and one piece of live rock from my ten


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Better picture with the water cleared up


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Everyone moved in today! Kinda mad I didn't paint the back of the tank blue, but other then that I'm pretty satisfied


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Goto Walmart and in the office supply section is black posterboard for about 2 dollars. Cut to fit and tape it to the back. I did it to my 29 gallon and it really makes everything pop with color.

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Just got a new fire fish last Saturday, finally came out and hung out without my clowns attacking him haha


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Thanks, it was a fun project. Next tank will be a 40 gallon breeder with 20 gallon refugium.

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If you Google aio DIY aquariums, there's a lot you can find. Give you some more ideas. There's one I particularly liked were they built a false wall, had two overflows and a return pump in the center of the wall. It was a very nice setup

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