Name of fishes!

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 19, 2014
Tell us the name of your fish meaning class and a pic of, must of us don't know how there look are. That way we learn. thanks in advance!
Well i have tons of fish and name all of them.... So yeah ill just list the names.
Sucky pleco
Sogfib guppy
Squishman guppy
Alzop guppy
Garrett guppy
Tomek guppy
Cobrend guppy
Muncho guppy
Zippo guppy
Grapefruit guppy
Sunny yellow glofish
Tequila orange glofish
Plasma pink glofish
Whitecap killy
Gary snail
Ray whiteskirt
Sailboat hi fin platy
Tropicana red wag platy
Luther red wag
Bob red wag
Jimmy red wag
Marble dalmation molly
Agent black guppy
Port-wine guppy
11x UNNAMED rosy reds (lets call em JiJ)
Stampede the rosy red
Benny betta
Buddy betta
Cascade betta.

Well that was 10 minutes gone.
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