I received weak twisted vals

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Apr 20, 2014
I bought 8 twisted vals on ebay and the picture showed 8" healthy plants and I received 4" half melted plants. This post is noy about what to do with the seller, I'll take care of that.

Even though I'm new to aquatic plants and these are not in good shape I feel I must make a strong effort to keep these alive.

Tell me best how to do this and I will. These are the pics after I removed the melted areas

Thank you
MeCasa :-(
How long were the plants in transit?? Obviously a plant wont come out of 2-3 days in darkness looking its best. They will bounce back ok though. I wouldn't worry
It's not the worrying ...I don't know how to plant them. My main tank is a 150 with soil substrate and sand but it won't be ready for water for another month.

I have set up a 10 with organic soil on the bottom and a layer of gravel on top. I put the gravel to stop the water from being too muddy. I have a double florescent lamp on top, 1 cool and 1 warm.

Do I need to filter this water to remove residue from the potting soil?
Do I need oxygen (probably not since they like CO2)
Do I need ferts? (don't have any special ferts but the organic potting soil is rich)

Most importantly, do I just poke a hole with my finger, stick in the plant, tamp down, turn on light and leave it alone?

I'm going to learn how to raise aqua plants if it kills me, or rather, even if it breaks me. The plants are three times as hard as the fish

Aquarium plants really aren't too difficult. Very similar to standard plants. They need light, co2 and nutrients (ferts)

Different varieties of plants need different things. Im unfamiliar with your vals. They wont die overnight though in an aquarium. Just plant into the substrate and see how they do.

There are lots of educational videos on youtube about aquarium planting. Also lots of great information out there on the net
I have read everything I could, I came here to ask for plant specific advice from someone who has raised this plant and brought the weak ones back from near certain melt down.

I guess I just misunderstand the purpose of this forum.

My bad
I have read everything I could, I came here to ask for plant specific advice from someone who has raised this plant and brought the weak ones back from near certain melt down.

I guess I just misunderstand the purpose of this forum.

My bad

Im not physic! Need to know more info to give good advice.
I know absolutely nothing about your tank as you didnt mention it.

What is your lighting?
Do you dose a carbon source?
Do you dose ferts?

I dont even know what type of val it is!

I think vals are an easy to care for plant. I think low/medium level lighting, basic ferts such as seachems liquid range and a liquid carbon such as excel would probably help.

Seeing as i have not grown this plant before, i have no experience of it. It might not beed these things. Simple lighting may be sufficient.

Sorry that my comment wasn't to your liking. I was simply commenting on the condition of the pictured vals.

Enjoy your vals and good luck with your tank
I have read everything I could, I came here to ask for plant specific advice from someone who has raised this plant and brought the weak ones back from near certain melt down.

I guess I just misunderstand the purpose of this forum.

My bad

Forums like this are definitely for answering questions; whether they are general or specific. Everyone here tries there best to help each other and that's how we learn. I have grown vals that were basically dead. Planting is easy. You just take two finger and clamp the crown of the plant (the area where the leaves and roots meet). Then propel the plants into the substrate until only the leaves are poking out. If your tank has the right conditions, the vals should start sending runners out. The main plants may or may not die but the runners will grow.
No problem. Hope it helped and if you have any more questions; I (along with any one else on here) will be more than willing to assist.
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