question for those who know more than me

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 25, 2005
Knoxville, TN
I have a 55 gal. tank and am going to do a diy co2 but i want to buy a reactor. I have found 2 that i am interested in and ,The Turbo CO2 Bio System Built by Red Sea and The PGP Power Reactor CO2 system Built by Plantguild Products. My question is this, he one by plantguild products if for up to 100 gal. i think, but the one by red sea is for only 50. I was wondering it that one would be okay seeing as the other one cost quite a bit more. Thanks for you help!
Welcome to Aquarium Advice, fisheyes! :mrgreen:

I think the PGP Power Reactor is going to serve you much, much better for this size tank. I have one almost identical to that on my 55, and used it when I was running DIY and still use it now with pressurized. You really need power to diffuse the gas on a 55 gal tank, which could be done with a reactor like this or through a canister filter.

DIY is a pain in the neck on a 55, but as you know is cheap as can be. Plan on at least two 2-liter bottles, if that is what you are using.
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