chemi-clean took out all of my feather dusters...

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Mar 21, 2005
Well, I've had chemi-clean on hand for quite some time now, but I've never had to use it before. BUT, I've been battling blackish hair algae for awhile now, and despite doing all the right things, I hadn't been able to get rid of it.

Well, after 48 hours, all my feather dusters discarded their other corals didn't look so great either, but they have since responded well.

Also, when I turned my skimmer back on, it went literally nuts....I emptied the collection cup like 6 or 7 times.....

Of course, I did a 20% WC after, too, and my corals recovered nicely. It's been almost 2 weeks now, and my feather dusters still look the same? Do you think they'll grow their caps back? How long should I wait before removing the tubes? (I have 3 of them)

I would think the feather dusters would grow their caps back. I have used Chemii-clean in the past with no harmful side-effects at all. Along with doing water changes, run some fresh GAC and change it weekly.
Thanks, lando.....that's what I've been doing, running gac and doing WC's....any idea how long it might take them to grow back? anyone?
Acually, it has slowed it considerably, but not stopped it completely. Trates are 0 with a salifert test, my P04 is zero with an aquarium pharmaceuticals test. Can't figure it out. I thought about trying some Phosban or Rowaphos just to be sure. Thoughts?

Before I had to vaccum my substate every 4 or 5 days, now about every week and a half or so.....

sure looks nasty though, and I hate it because I love my bottom to be nice and white, but it sure is hard to keep it that way.
PO4 can be a bit misleading. Test your source water as well. Even though your tank is testing PO4 levels of zero does not mean there is not any in the water. The hair algae is most likely consuming it from the water, thus, giving you a false reading. IF your source water is clear of PO4, look to your food as the culprit. It is a PITA battle, that is for sure.
Yes it is a PITA! My source water is also testing zero (again, with an AP test kit...not sure how good it is, either). I feed frozen food three times per week and I always rinse it well in RO/DI water....but I'm sure some PO4 gets in there from that.
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