Help! Magnum 350 Small Leak

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Sep 16, 2009
I have a small leak on my Magnum 350 Canister. It is where the two hoses connect (twist on) Not sure where exactly it is coming from in that area.
This is the "OUT" tube. The "IN" tube has no problem.
It is a small drip leak - one drip every 5 seconds or so

Please help - I do not want to buy another filter.

Make sure there's nothing between the seals such as a piece of food or debris.

If necessary you can remove the couplers and just have tubing from the tank to the filter.
Ive heard of the o-rings or gaskets going bad on those as well... somebody posted something about that not too long ago if im not mistaken...
If it is the quick connect that is leaking, there are 4 possible sources for the leak:

The 2 ends where the hoses connect to the device - sometimes the hoses work themselves out of the threaded "grabber". If the hoses are quite stretched out, you might need to trim the hose a bit to get at a "clean" edge that the grabber can grab on.

If it is leaking from the middle, then it is probable an o-ring that is gone. Open the quick connect & pull out the middle sticking out part. <It is a short tube, normally only only one end comes off when you disconnect, but that tube comes out separately.> There should be an o-ring on each end of that tube. Chances are, one of them is bad. <I use standard o-rings of the same size/thickness from a plumbing supply store ... must less than the Marineland ones.>

If you have to replace one, you may as well replace all 4, both the in & out part. The "out" part leaks because it is under pressure. The "in" part won't leak, but will suck air in to give you cavitation problems.

I also had the little tabs breaking off in the quick connect, making for a loose fit. I had to get rid of one set because of this, & replace it with jsut a lenght of hose.
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