Koralia Not Reliable?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 19, 2007
I've had a Koralia 2 submerged turbojet water pump for a couple weeks and it has been wonderful. With extremely low power consumption (4W) it puts out about 600gph. The only problem is that yesterday it stopped working. Totally dead! Does anyone have any experiences on how reliable this product is? Perhaps I got a defective one, or perhaps the product is too flimsy.
This isn't the first time i hear of this. i have read some customer reviews with the same comments. But, i feel the pros definately outweigh the cons. contact the manufacture and get it fixed or replaced.
Since the Hydor's are relatively new, it's possible they are still working out glitches. I'd do what artoledo said and contact Hydor and get a replacement, or see if they can offer a remedy.
I agree, the 2s and 3s had problems with the motor casing not being sealed correctly. They know about this (that's why they were hard to get). I would suggest you unplugging it ASAP and taking it out, as it might be releasing current into your tank. They have since fixed the issue and have shipped new, improved units out and from what I hear, they are perfectly willing to replace any that failed due to this issue. I would contact your vendor (where you purchased it) and trade it in. I have the 2s on my 55 without any problems as of yet.
I called the vendor (F&S) who had me return it for a replacement. Then it happened to the replacement as well. But the 3rd one has been running fine ever since. I have learned over the months that it collects debris on the outside of the casing and I have to stop the motor and clean off the debris every once in awhile. It actually helps me keep the water extra clear in this way. Maybe if you let too much debris collect on the housing it could impede the flow enough to burn out the motor.
I had taken a Koralia 2 out of service for a few months. When I put it back in, it didn't work and my heart sank. I took out and plugged it into another, known-good, outlet and it still didn't do anything. Then I had an idea to give a spin to the turbine manually while it was still plugged in. It immediately began to spin like a top again. I put it back in the aquarium and it continued working like a champ. I'm glad i didn't give up on it.
I've had to do that (start the spin) a few times on my Koralia 3's. I shut them down on occassion for feedings and 1x/month for cleaning. Sometime 1 or both won't start. I don't use my fingers to start it though. I now use a small dowel to give it the slightest push. That's all it it takes.
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