Which lighting option is better?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 25, 2007
Southern California
Which option seems better, I have a 75gallon aquarium, as for right now I think I only want LPS corals.

1) 4x65watt compact fluorescent retrofit, plus the regular "high intensity" 18000k 40watt fluorescent fixture I am using now which give me 260watts+40watts = 300 total watts


2) Fluorescent VHO with a 3-bulb retro fit kit which runs 330 watts or a 4-bulb which runs 440watts.

It is less than $100 more for option 2 with 440watts and almost the same price for 330watts, but I dont know the difference between which lighting is better VHO or compact fluorescent.
Thanks again.
Understand you're reasoning but I would only suggest to consider the future. I already picked up on the "I think" statement. So many people buy something in good intention for now and 6 months down the road don't have enought light for that anenome or nice looking coral they saw at the store. As mentioned compact flourescent will be just fine but maybe a T5-HO system would be better. You could run fewer bulbs now.
Yeah, I started with the stock PC's in the hood on my BioCube, then wanted to add more light. So instead of just ditching the hood, and going with some MH, I got a custom upgrade for the hood that doubled my PC wattage.

Now I wanted to get a Clam and some SPS corals, so I had to ditch the hood and go with a MH unit.

I should have done that from the start and saved the $$ form the custom PC upgrade, but live and learn.

So, the point is... IMHO. Get the best, highest lighting you can afford now. Because, you will most probably change your mind later and wind up spending more $$.
Between the two I would go with the VHO`s. Little bit more intensity but I do agree with the others that you should plan on doing some long term planning on the future of your tank and then figure out your lighting. Moving this to General Hardware and equipment discussion.
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